Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
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Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Ok, I am writing this in a hope that all of the other threads are dead now. Those "Re's" are fricken killing me. Anyway, I guess I should put something about a game here... um... Oh yah, has anybody ever played that original Nintendo game "Yoshi". Fun game. Well i just wrote a BASIC version of that. It's a little slow, but hey. It's cool.
22 December 2003, 02:45 GMT
Not a game, but this forum is my community...
Hey, well, I made a guitar tableture program... Ok, it's slow, but it's pretty good, not loading yet, but that's because I need an Asm program (One to load the program in Str whatever, or something like that, I know where to get it, I just can't send it to my calc). It's pretty smooth, and looks decent. You have the amount of "notes" as you have memory for... It's good if you happen to be playing guitar, and you make something cool, and you don't have good memory or paper... It'll be released when I get my new calc, just like my coordinate game (look back a few pages for info on that)
10 April 2004, 14:22 GMT
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