Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
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Dragonball Fighting Edition
DBZ RPG: Fighting Edition (Saiyan Saga)
is fully complete, and is in the pending list.
Look for it on ticalc in a few days.
18 November 2003, 02:31 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
My RPG is comming along really good... I JUST NEED BATERIES!!!!:( OH well... Ok, so, it has a neat interface, you can choose to be more physical or magical, there is a "skill" that corresponds to every magic.
Ice magic -> Swim
Earth magic -> Smash
I would look at the others if my calc had more bateries... There are also 5 items
Heal HP
Heal MP
Restore HP
Restore MP
Heal all.
19 November 2003, 20:07 GMT
Testers Wanted
It's me again
If anyone else wants to test out Monster Crusher: Part 1, then I'll give it to you. it's been slightly updated, and I restarted work on Part 2. Check it out! Or, just ask me for this really cool-looking thing I made last week cause I was really bored...
21 November 2003, 01:29 GMT
Need a bit of help
I know that this forum is for "Upcoming Games" (I am working on one), but first, I would like to know if I can have the formula that I am looking for:
I need to be able to take a point (C,R) and have the calculator figure out what pixel point that is.
If you don't know what I mean, then think of it this way. Let's say you're playing a game and you are the little black pixel (just one pixel). You need to use the pixel-test( command to determine whether or not there is a wall around you. Once you know that, the calculator can determine whether or not your guy can move. Let's say you're at point (-8,1) and the window settings are different. I need the calculator to know that your guy is on which pixel. (remember, the pixels start in the upper left corner of the screen with 0. If you don't know what I mean by that, then the odds of you being able to figure out the formula that I need is slim-to-none.) If anyone could figure out the formula to do this, that would be EXTREMELY helpful.
21 November 2003, 01:54 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Need a bit of help
I learned basic with nothing but my ti-83+ book and through trial and error. I know a lot, but how will you make a matrix display pixles? If i found that out, my programs would be a lot better and faster.
Also, this is off the topic, but I'm willing to ask because I have to have my calc fixed soon. I dropped my calc in my friends pool when I was playing basketball, long story, and now about 3 rows of pixles won't appear on the screen, homescreen or the screen graphs use, can anyone tell me what might be wrong?
And if you can send me an e-mail to answer these question, that would be nice, because I dont have much time to look back here often.
26 November 2003, 22:04 GMT

Re: Need a bit of help
OK, how about this? Your guy is point (C,R), right? OK, then. You should draw your character with PxlOn Rather than PtOn. That will make your job easier. Now you do PxlTest(C+1,R). That sees if there's a wall below you. PxlTest(C-1,R) checks if there's on below you, etc. I think you get the gist. But remember, when working with pixels rather than points, the syntax is: PxlOn(Y,X). The top left corner of the screen is (O,0), the bottom right cornr is (62,94).
21 November 2003, 21:07 GMT
Killer Instict
(Web Page)
I have a challenge for any one that wants to take it.
Program KILLER INSTINCT, (the SNES game) for TI-83+.
I know there are some fighting games out already, but try to keep it as close to the original game as you can, (charachters, moves, and especially combos, combos a must!!). If anyone wants help, i can kinda help, but this game would be better if it was in asm and, lucky me, i dont program ASM too good. E-mail me back if someone wants to take this project up.
thanks, \m/
25 November 2003, 20:17 GMT

2 Player Tactical Game - S.W.A.T.
Im making a really cool game, like a top view of halo, where you have to kill the other player. It will include three programs, for speed, and many super wepons. It will even have a mine feild. I am still making it, and the only thing I dont have planned out is if I should or not make a cheat webpage. If I do, I will include where the mines are in the mine feild, and I will also include where other things are that you should know about. I am thinking about if I should make the people one pixle or about 5 in the shape of a person. If you can tell me how to make pixles from a matrix, please reply to this topic, or e-mail me.
I have aim, so if you want to talk about a game that anyone wants me to make, I'll try to make it, and if I cant, I'll ask a person at my school to help.
My aim sn is KaibaFan321, if you want to talk on icq view my profile.
27 November 2003, 22:14 GMT
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