Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
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Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
I'm back! The first movie trailer for Ender's Game: The Bugger Wars has now been uploaded! It should appear on this site as soon as the administartors get around to adding it to the archives, but you can also go to my website at geocities.com/mightyg16! If you haven't been following this awesome project, go to my site or the Maxcoderz forum for info.
6 November 2003, 20:08 GMT
Hello, I am currently working on... or should i say practically finished with a yahtzee game (in BASIC). Although, I am having a few problems with it. I need a total of, believe it or not, 34 variables. Now as you all know, there are only 27 available variables. I tried using strings, but i soon realized that with strings, I couldnt interchange variables. Like, I couldnt take the variable "A" and store it to String 1 and then change the contents of variable "A".
I tried to use Lists, but as funny as it sounds, I have a lot of trouble with lists. they bother me. I know just about every thing there is to know about the TI 83+ but my creativity is running short.
Can somebody please help me find a way to expand my list of variables (using strings or an easy way to use lists or something). thanx a lot.
10 November 2003, 02:52 GMT
(Web Page)
WOW!!! Look at that amnt of dls.... more than my Card game, and my worst games.. lol... icluding one where you turn on you calc, which was requested a while ag, o well... now, onto upcomming games, i know my other progs went bellie up, but i am working on an RPG, that about... 10% done, better than any other project, oh well, i'll keep ya posted.
14 November 2003, 21:12 GMT
Ok, Everybody loves chess right? Well, I'v been studying the minimax system and I think I can apply it to a BASIC program. That's right, and AI chess game. For now though, All i'm gonna try to do is create the AI Module. I'm not going to make a board or anything. anyway, I'm betting this is going to be a big project, so I could probably use some help or advice. Contact me if you have any thoughts.
17 November 2003, 00:52 GMT

Re: Re: Chess
I knew I'd get a response like that. Actually, believe it or not, I'v already started (just this afternoon) and I got it to calculate one move into the future (one white move, one black move). So i was technically playing chess a couple of minutes ago. I worked in a notation where the computer asked for your move, calculated it's best move, and outputted where it's next peice would go. I'm not going to post it yet, becuase it needs a lot of refinement, and it is downright stupid. I beat it with the 4 move checkmate (which is sad). Oh yah, It took approximately 5 seconds or so, so that means I should that i could have it calculating 5 moves into the future in about a minute. That is a little slow, but damn it's cool if youa ask me.
17 November 2003, 04:10 GMT
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