Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
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Hegemony and Monopoly Updates
(Web Page)
For those of you who have been following my work (you losers), I am waiting to upload Hegemony v1.02 until I see that the uploaders are being consistent in their uploading (you can get it on my website until then). Right now they seem to be doing it rather sporadically. As for Monopoly, it's back on the back burner. Don't expect to see it any time soon.
29 August 2003, 20:38 GMT
Cool Calc Productions has started Windows XP for clc NO PICS will be used if I need an image to be redrawn constantly i'll have a subprogram that is nothing but line,pxl-on,etc...
Right now its basic (hey i got bored in math) but looks nice-4x4 mouse sprite(no omnicalc)
its like
[mouse x]->A
[mouse y]->B
pxl-change(A+1,B //if you have OS v1.13 or lower it will skip all pixel,point and line commands that have [variable+#] or [variable-#]
also working on a dos-like prgm (to go with windows)
final release WILL be in asm
(btw thats a zero[NULL] before the "@")
31 August 2003, 08:35 GMT
Well thanx to everyone that has helped me, I finally got my a couple of my games uploaded. And suprisingly, It was put on in less than a week. But for some reason, the sample Pics weren't uploaded with it. I used the TI-Graph-link get pic thing, and saved them, and put them in the upload form. Did I do something wrong, or do they ever just cut the pics?
1 September 2003, 20:03 GMT
Monster Crusher
I'm making a game called monster crusher. it was posted before, but i'm changing how the game plays out. if you have comments or suggestions, email me at ziggy@mail.calcware.org
2 September 2003, 16:03 GMT

New & Improved Storyline!!!
Okay, you are a general who has retired from the army to lead a civillian life. However, your town comes under attack from a monster. As a civillian, you spend the first part of the game hiding from the monster and using your survival skills to live. Following your days under attack, you re-join the army to fight the growing threat of monsters. You defeat them all, but during the final battle, some monster blood comes in contact with your human blood, and you transform into a monster bent on destroying the world.
And there you have it. To help work out any kinks, or to just help with the project my friend and I have undertaken, email me at ziggy@mail.calcware.org
10 September 2003, 21:32 GMT
I win
Yes! I finally did it. Has anyone else seen a 3D grapher... Made in basic!? Maybe it's just me, but i think that it's really sweet. Right now it lacks built in features, or any special graphing features, but as far as I can tell, It works. Though, I am having trouble with getting an appropriate view. The points are all positioned correctly, but the angle doesn't make it look as cool. Anyway, I think I'll put it up and see if anyone has any suggestions.
15 September 2003, 04:35 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Just uploaded my going-away present: Ultra Tunnel. I'm retiring from the TI Community, at least temporarily, due to a huge drop in interest in TI calcs in the last 2 months. I really don't care anymore :) I barely made myself upload the game...
ANYWAY, i think its a good game. Its your basic tunnel game, in ASSEMBLY*, except this one has 4 speeds, 3 difficulty settings, 2 gameplay modes, and 4 directional movement. It also gets rid of the grainy gfx that appear in games like Fast Tunnel. So download it and try it out...
*so nobody goes: "man, howd you do that in basic?" like they usually do...
30 September 2003, 23:36 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
someone please make Sonic the Hedgehog for the TI-83 Plus
3 October 2003, 22:52 GMT
Stratagy Game
I am currently working on a program called "Elite Force: Ranger" it's a word game, no FPS capabilities. Once that is complete, I am planning on making a turn based strategy game for the 83+. It will be in basic and have a "luck of the die" movement to it
7 October 2003, 00:25 GMT
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