Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
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Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
(Web Page)
Im working on a iGo/Wei Ch'i/Baduk game for the Ti-83.
It will be on a 9x9 board with multiplayer (Link and no link/single calc modes), Tutorials, Problems, and possibly even a single player mode if I can write up a good AI routine (maybe 25-30 kyu at the best).
Expected Release Date: Unknown (still relative early stages)
Currently working on Liberty detection routines,
Finished: ~50%
Screenshots: See URL (more will be added as program progresses)
1 August 2003, 16:16 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
(Web Page)
I make no promises, but I *might* have an upcoming game: Monopoly.
I know what you're thinking, "not ANOTHER Monopoly."
Well, I can guarantee you my Monopoly will be different from all the Monopolies on the "market" today. For one thing, it is almost COMPLETELY graphical (no text-based monopolies for ME, thank you very much). Second of all, even the graphical monopolies are a joke because everything is so small. The solution is displaying only one side at a time, so you can differentiate one property from another (which, little did I know until recently, is exactly what the latest Windows Monopolies do).
You will have your choice of nine tokens (five of which are from the TI-Keyboard, so OS v1.15 will be required), it will have an external AI, like in HEGEMONY, and it will also have external name assignments. What that means is that you're no longer limited to the Original Monopoly. NOW you can play New York-opoly, Washingon-opoly, Boston-opoly, etc. or even make your OWN -opolies. They're actually quite easy to make, so I suspect I'll be releasing several along with the original.
Time frame? No clue. Right now I'm moving pretty fast, but significant problems (or waning of interest) might slow me down. My GUESS is the first BETA will be on my website some time later this week.
And if I can get a good BETA soon enough, I'll even put a little preview in HEGEMONY for the final release (which won't be until after the uploaders catch up in their uploading).
3 August 2003, 22:54 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Domi Alex
(Web Page)
Starcraft, update of an old file in the archives somewhere in this site.
A friend of mine is learning in ASM, and he doesn't stop the work.
Always on his project.
Keys to move (Of course)
2nd - Select
Alpha - "Right Click"
Del - Scrolls menu up, for when you're in a buildings that creates units, like the Nexus
Stats - Scrolls menu down, ""....
Vars - When unit or building selected, press it to build it.
Graph - Hide/Unhide menu
Zoom - Switch to mini-map/real field.
You'll see that it has only protoss.
Not finished at all.
The guy speaks french but don't send him too much e-mails plz.
4 August 2003, 02:52 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Domi Alex
(Web Page)
And right and if you want e-mail me. I always have the last version.
4 August 2003, 02:54 GMT
Make a Game!!!!
Yeah......I have an idea for a program: Somebody make a game where you do stuff.
On an unrelated and much more important subject.......
What kind of car should I get for my first car? I only got $7,100 right now but by the end of the summer I should have $8,000. And I'm not one of those people whose parents are going to help buy the car, and I don't want to have to take a loan out from the bank.
Back to what I came to talk about......
Make the game where you have to turn the calc off in order to win!!
5 August 2003, 02:35 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Make a Game!!!!
Okay, well, first I would like to say that I won't be getting it because I'm 16 and I don't have the money for the insurance for it. And it's a Ford so it'll break on me. (no offense to any Ford lovers out there).
Instead I'm getting a totally pimped out 1997 Chrysler Sebring convertible. And it's not considered a sports car as far as the insurance companines care, so the insurance will be affordable.
Oh, and I guess Silent Fury figured out the code, so here's the secret. Download the program for the TI-83+ called ZFLASH. I think it's under "Miscellaneous". Make sure you read the "read me" with it or else you won't know how to use it properly. TRUST ME!!!! IT WORKS!!! It lets you archive/unarchive subroutines from withen BASIC programs. Oh, and another secret, is I downloaded a program that allows for BASIC users to have multiple buttons pressed. It's not as great as I was hoping because, well, you would have to read the "read me" to see what I mean. It's still really good, don't get me wrong. I'll get back to you on it. I don't remember the name of it. But it takes some practice to get used to. I hope this message isn't too long! (I just need some more hours of driving in my state before I can get my license but my parents aren't being the most cooperative people in the world so it will be a while before I get my license and I'll be able to buy the car.)
Oh, and remember that really freakin' awesome RPG I talked about a long time ago???(You probably don't) But I actually started on that, but as of right now I'm putting it on hold....possibly indeffinitly) But it would not be possible AT ALL without the great program ZFLASH.
Is nexusprograms.net working yet????? I'll have to check it out after I hit "Post".
8 August 2003, 17:59 GMT
Some questions
Hey, I have a couple of questions I was hopins someone could help me out with. First of all, I was wondering how (if it's possible) to prevent someone from tampering with my program's code... using only BASIC programming. Also, If theres a way to make a program so if you send it to another calculator it won't work... unless they have a cod or something. I wan't to know this because there's a kid in my school who screws with the code and then just sends it to everybody. Anyway, Second, I was wondering what a sprite was and if it is possible to make one in BASIC. That's it, thanx
8 August 2003, 07:12 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Wait, I'm sorry, But what is the graph-link program editing software. Sorry, maybe I should have been more specific, but I was wondering if you could lock it using only what comes with the calculator, and without anny assembly or what not. Cause I don't have a cable thing. So if it's possible please help. Or please tell me how to get into this graph-link program editing thing. Thanx
8 August 2003, 23:23 GMT
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