Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
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I need someone to explain the ion and mirage sprite drawing routines so I can do this at the best speed possible.This is my first attempt at an ASM game so don't criticize if it not that great when its done. My friend already made all the sprites for characters and stuff.Got alot of ideas.I would like some good tutorials on using the link for two player games as well.Hopefully this will be available for ion as well as mirage and maybe the TI-OS.
Comments?, Questions?, Ideas?
e-mail me at:
or im me
28 July 2003, 21:27 GMT
Hegemony v1.02
(Web Page)
So I'm sitting here typing (see previous page) why other programmers use multiple programs as subroutines (it saves memory by making it so you don't have to put the same commands in time after time after time). And I was explaining how this doesn't work with labels since you can't get it to return.
Well, this is true. You CAN'T get it to AUTOMATICALLY return to the correct place. What you CAN do is commission an infrequently used variable, like Q, and use it to store the label for the routine to return to! I just shaved off 3KB from my program! And then I shaved off another 1.5KB by deleting a function which, while occasionally handy, is really unneccesary.
It's slightly slower than it used to be, but saving 5K is worth it!
So now I'm working on beta testing HEGEMONY: THE BATTLE TO UNITE THE HUNDRED WORLDS v1.02. I'll put it it on my website, too. So if you're interested, go there, download it, and tell me about any errors (be sure to read the Readme file first).
Again, it's http://pwebsftd.tripod.com
31 July 2003, 16:40 GMT

Re: Hegemony v1.02
(Web Page)
You little genius... little sob pos genius.. I love you now (in a frindly non homsexual kind of way) thats so awsome...
Oh, and if you are making a custom menu (as I usualy do, because the Menu( command is so bland) Use a while statement, like this.
Note Don't put in the "//" those are comments
1->A //Stores cursor position
Disp "New
Disp "Load
Disp "Help
Disp "Quit //Draw the "Menu"
While 1
Output(A,1,"-> //Cursor
Repeat K //Loops until a button is pressed
A+(K=25)-(K=34->A //Moves the cursor
If K=21 and A=1 //Pressed 2nd, cursor at New
Goto N //New Game
If K=21 and A=2 //2nd, cursor at load
Goto L //Load game
If K=21 and A=3 //2nd, cursor at help
Goto H //Help
If K=21 and A=4 //2nd, at quit
Goto Q //Quit
End //Ends the "While 1" loop
I have a different way of doing this for my SpaceShooter, but I will post that at my message board...
31 July 2003, 19:27 GMT
Upcoming 3D ASM Game for TI-83 (+)
Sora Hikaru
At the moment I am busy with a pseudo 3D game. The 3D engine is finished and some people have seen it and think it looks 3D. However its not the vector 3D that you see in computer games on the computer. In fact it are sprites builded in each other. But for TI the 3D is nice. Its much better then those fake Dooms in TI-Basic.
I also have finished a TI-NetLink system that works almost perfect. I think I will make it up to 8 calculators. (Actually there is no limit of how many calculators can be connected so 100 or 1000 is possible but then it would take 10 seconds or more before the link routine is ready). So 8 is the limit and I dont think 100 people will connect their calculator together.
TI-NetLink doesn't work on VTI but only on real calculators or emulators that use the real 2 bits sending system instead of Bytesending what VTI does.
I also will make an One-Player option in it with background sound so people without friends also have fun with this game.
But there is one disadvantage. You have to pay for it. I will calculate 3 Euro for a standard version with everyting except level building and 5 Euro for a pro version with Level building.
There will be a shareware version on the internet with only a one player option and one level to play.
But there is one problem.
I'm a TI83 ZASM programmer. I usually don't program in ION but I wanna make my programs compatible with TI83 aswell with TI83+. The porting from ASM to ION with a few modifications worked. But I don't know if it works for TI83+ so I have to figure out.
31 July 2003, 22:41 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Upcoming 3D ASM Game for TI-83 (+)
George Wellman
1. Get a sound program. ( i.e. Calcmod)
2. Get an adapter. (2.5 mm male to 3.5 mm female stereo adaptor, from RadioShackfor around 4 bucks)
3. Enter MirageOS/Ion
4. Plug adaptor into linkport, then headphones into adaptor. (Make sure you're in a shell first, otherwise your calc will freeze until you take the headphones out.)
5. Run sound program.
6. Enjoy cell-phone ringer quality sound.
Other good sound programs are Ti jukebox, which comes with an SDK so you can make your own songs without knowing assembly, Sndlib, which lets you make music from Basic progs, and Playwav, which plays real sound. (Not very much of it, cause it takes up so much mem)
Forget all those stupid schematics for connecting headphones for your calc. Just buy a friggin' adptor from Radioshack.
7 August 2003, 20:50 GMT
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