Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
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Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
I am working on a Crane Game for the TI-83 plus. It has AMAZING speed and graphics and actually may be mistaken for an assembly program.
I have integrated new Sideways Screen Technology that I have just recently developed. SST allows for a more "Handheld Gaming Device Feel" and allows for better screen utilization.
A screenshot may be found here:
Though the screenshot is choppy, it is actually smoother on a real 83 plus.
25 March 2004, 00:44 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
(Web Page)
Ok i'm a forum n00b but i have a question. I am creating a very ambitious modern day text rpg, complete with wanted levels and reputation. Anyway, I know it's kinda strange but i was wondering if there is any way to put a "pause" menu inside the game. If you know how, please help.
26 March 2004, 20:44 GMT
Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Hey, im making a RPG that is incredibly similar to the game .hack//infection, it is pretty much an exact copy of the PS2 game, but for right now, it is only menu based. It should be released in about 2-4 weeks. The second version will have graphics.
(game is made by 3wisemen)
27 March 2004, 23:14 GMT
I need a formula
(I'm refering to BASIC for the TI-83+ calculator)
On the graph screen I need a formula to figure out what coordinate point is which pixel. (It is assumed that the point is on the screen).
Using "X" and "Y" as variables can somebody give me a formula that, for example, takes the point (15,2) and figures out that it is really, for example, pixel (42,15).
This would be great since I need to do a PxlTest to determine whether or not there is a "wall" next to the dot.
30 March 2004, 20:17 GMT
TI-84+ Silver Edition
omg.........I feel like such a dork, but I *HAVE* to share this with the forum.
Last night I had a dream where I went to a movie theater and like, I was sitting there and the movie stopped playing. Then we (everyone in the theater) left the room and went out to the lobby where as a "sorry 'bout that" gift was given to everyone. It was a TI-84+ Silver Edition. Spooky, no? I got one for free in my dream.
1 April 2004, 15:01 GMT
Sequel to my Bomber game.
wayne heaney
(Web Page)
I've been thinking about making Bomber 2, the sequel to one my older games that I like a lot. Please click the URL above this post and check out the first Bomber, it's a really good two player strategy game, or one player with the AI I made. I've been thinking that Bomber 2 would be very similar to Bomber, but be almost completely graphical, where Bomber was almost completely text. There would be a lot more options, like customizing your players abilities (with restrictions of course), starting anywhere in the arena you want (so the opponent won't know where you start), making the arena a little bigger or maybe letting you choose between a big arena or the traditional, having two bases so you don't have to go ALL the way back to your base to win. I would also like to make a better AI (eventually) so you could play one player and have it be challenging. Lastly, I would like to try to make it a smaller file than the previous version... key word "try", it won't be easy if even possible! Anyways, I'd love to hear opinions on this, so please download Bomber from the URL above, play it for a little, and tell me what you think about what I've said here. I would prefer that you email me about this, but I will check the posts here too. Thanks for your help in advance, I love Bomber, and I think this Bomber 2 would be a great game.
10 April 2004, 03:38 GMT
Need Help using Lists
aaron barnhart
(Web Page)
I don't quite understand how to use lists. I'm making an RPG game that takes a while to play, and I want players to be able to save there game and continue it later without getting to mess up their stats, so I was wondering if the List command is what I need to use to fix that or what I need to do to create a list of variables that are unchangable. Thanks.
P.S. The game is well underway and should be out in less than a month. It's currently titled Mystica but I'm looking for ideas for a better name.
12 April 2004, 22:20 GMT

Re: Need Help using Lists
I had the exact same problem a while back. But, now I know how to use them. So...
If you want to use one list, then you must learn the List functions (that will help a lot). But for the basic usage, you can take your variables and throw them into one list (I.E. {A,B,C,D,E}->L1). Now, in order to recall one of those variables, You have to Identify what element from the list you want, and store it to a variable if you choose (I.C. L1(1)->A). Get it? So...
A=L1(1), B=L1(2), C=L1(3), etc.
I hope that helps you.
13 April 2004, 22:01 GMT
Looking for this program
idi mallari
i have been looking for a game (well a program). it is often called "A". it is a program with several games (such as chiken shoot, tetrix, pac man, baseball, and other cool games). when you open this program, a new screen with the games appears. i don't know if you know what i am taking about, but it is something like that. i think you can even ser a passwork for the "memory (MEM)". i had it in freshman year but lost it.
please if you any program like that please e-mail it to me at apolo_david@hotmail.com
and also, what is ION and TSE? i know they are some kind of programs. many games require these programs. please if you what they are, please e-mail me at apolo_david@hotmail.com. Pronto!!!!
14 April 2004, 12:59 GMT

Re: Looking for this program
Sorry, I'm too lazy to wirte ya an e-mail right now. But, if you really care to know, then you should check back here anyway. Anyway, I'm not sure about TSE, but it's probably a shell just like ION. All these are are assembly programs that add more specialized functions to the calculators BASIC. Not quite my bag, but hey, whatever snags your bag. Ok, about your long lost program, never heard of it. Must of just been an assembler who got bored and decided to throw a bunch of games into one. You could check the archives though. Well, that's it for me.
14 April 2004, 22:37 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
selvin edgardo funez contreras
first i want to say that my english is noy very good but i have two questions.
why is so hard to create grayscale for te ti-83 plus?
and why not are made as apps?
20 April 2004, 21:44 GMT
Gloppy 1 and Gloppy 2
Harrison Baer
(Web Page)
I was just wondering if anybody has tried the games I made called Gloppy 1 and Gloppy 2. I'm sure that I have fixed any bugs on both games, and I'll be uploading a Gloppy 1 update soon. Give me feedback on my games!
20 April 2004, 22:01 GMT
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