Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
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Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Hey guys im not dead just i havent beeen able to use the internet. Sorry
24 July 2003, 04:31 GMT
(Web Page)
I am currently working on three games, here are their names, WHats complete, and wheter I need help.
1. Mario Party- Most of the menu system, no help now, but maybe later with graphics
2. Wargame- A War game... Like C&C, nothing done, probably never will, mostly because I was just testing the Omnicalc Sprite( Routine
3. SpaceShooter- Menu system done, and can move your ship, going to be like a mix of Pheonix and Avalach... Kind of. No help needed for now, but maybe with certain routines, like falling objects, and multiple shots fired... Probably will be the only one I complete... :)/:(... Uses Omnicalc...
If you are interested in any e-mail me at merthsoft@yahoo.com or reply to this post.
25 July 2003, 20:05 GMT
What is BASIC
I know this is a silly question, but how would you define basic? I, since i don't have a link cable thing, can only write programs using the built in programmer on the TI 83+ I thought that was BASIC but I must be mistaken because i see people talking about programming graphical games in BASIC, and it's much to slow on the built in programming. Or am i just missing something? Please help.
27 July 2003, 03:16 GMT
Re: What is BASIC
George Wellman
Duh... Basic is the built in programming language. If you porgram on the calc without a link cable, that is Basic. True, Basic is too slow for many graphical games, but they can be done. To a point. Also, there are many tools to give Basic programmers advanced commands that are otherwise only available in ASM. Asm, or Assembly language, is the low-level language on the calcs. It was written into the processor by Zilog, if you have a Z80 (82, 83, 8, 86) or Motorola on a 68k (89,92). Assembly, because it doesn't have to be translated into processor language, runs much quicker. However, Asm is very, very difficult to learn. So many programmers (myself included) try to push the limits of Basic. For an example of graphical Basic, try Final Fantasy: Tales of Magic.
27 July 2003, 19:28 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Another question
(Web Page)
Ah yes, the ol' "shaving" process. You shave off all the "unneccesary" endings to your commands (like close quotes or close parenthesis) and you end up, depending on the program, saving sometimes a couple hundred bytes.
See, I don't do that. I also write use lowercase letters even though they take up twice the amount of space. Why? A couple reasons:
1) I have a Silver. You DON'T run out of memory on a Silver (and you should only have one game unarchived at a time anyway; it protects against RAM crashing)
2) It looks NICER. The lowercase letters are DEFINATELY friendlier and easier to read, plus allow you to emphasize things using all caps. And "shaved off" commands look sloppy and unprofessional (granted, most people don't see them).
3) Editing: when all the commands are "streamlined," editing can be a pain in the @$$, especially if you're making a major overhaul of the game. You get all SORTS of problems, from syntax errors to LOGICAL errors that take you HALF AN HOUR just to figure out what went wrong!
And dats me two cents!
Ask me why all my games are all in one program (with the exception of games with expansions)!
30 July 2003, 17:52 GMT

Re: Optimization
(Web Page)
Sorry. I must've missed that command.
And as for the "shaving" thing, it's just people's style. I said why *I* don't do it.
Anyway, by having routines you use repeatedly (such as drawing sprites) in a separate program, you can save sometimes thousands of bytes. The PROBLEM is that these games are a pain to use! You have to have them in groups, which some people just DON'T GET how to use, and deleting them is so tedious, especially if you have twenty prgms for one game.
As for using labels, the hard part is returning. There's no "return to previous label" command, so if you're using a routine more than once, how do you program it to know which label... to go... back to?
Wait a second. I think I've just figured out an answer. I'll post more when I've seen a) whether it works (it should) and b) whether it's worth it (it should be)
31 July 2003, 14:58 GMT
The Price is Right
Who would like to play "The Price is Right" in math class?!?!?!? Or has it been done before. Either way I'm making one in BASIC and it is gonna rock.
28 July 2003, 00:52 GMT
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