Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
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Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Hi guys what's up?
19 May 2003, 15:07 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Hey Silent Fury, do you think you could help me with a tile for chips. I've been have a little trouble figuring that out, and it would be nice. By the way, CoBBs helped me figure out the code for rotating sprites 90 Degrees and inverting them (Left-Right). That was helpful, it reduces the number of monsters for my monster trainer game by a little less than half. Also, I am working on a nice looking battle engine similar to Lufia's (If you've ever played it!). It actually looks very nice.
P.S. Jesse, I e-mailed you my Bio, hope you got it. Tell me if you didn't. Oh, and I saw you signed up on Maxcoderz. They are helpful, but sometimes a bit negative. ;)
21 May 2003, 22:35 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
No, I need help with the tile engine. I have to figure out the routine. I think I know how to do it, but I'm not sure. Also, I was having trouble posting, that's why I hadn't posted in a while. I had disabled the cookies from this site 8(. Anyway, I imagine I need to use an arraw the size of the map. I don't really think it needs to be smooth scrolling, I am also asking Ben Ryves about this. Oh, and by the way, CoBB is a helpful guy. He gave me the information on rotating and inverting sprites. Well, thanks for the help. And no, I didn't mean just one tile. Thanks!
23 May 2003, 17:22 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
(Web Page)
We at Jamaica Bay (from the people who made Pointless, this game HAS a point) have a masterpiece in the works- Abduction. It includes text portions, multiple minigames and several ways to complete and 7+ complete levels. Get abducted.
(Click the link to see our other prgms hosted on TICalc.org, watch for Abduction in June/July)
19 May 2003, 17:51 GMT
Upcoming Megaman Game
nick s
I'm working on a turn based megaman battle game
it will include many characters from the games as fighters
20 May 2003, 22:47 GMT
Sonic Studios is Dead
(Web Page)
Silent Fury, Stickboy, Gerhalt, and any other potential Programmers, I'm sorry to say, but sonic studios has bit the dust. I (Along With Gerhalt) have decided to join Nexus Programs (Link Above). The Site Is Great. Kevin has been very helpful in deciding to host sonic studios, but I've decided i would need too much of his help. I'm very sorry to all that were anticipating the arrival, but I've run out of time and pacients, and I know that my site will never be anywhere the same as kevin's (IMO the best interface yet). Well I've Gotta Go :(
BTW, Nexus Is Looking For Programmers, so any potential sonic studios programmers should join. Just email admin@nexusprograms.net with your application.
22 May 2003, 19:01 GMT
I hate this..................
Stupid computer. Kick it in the head. Boy, I tel' ye wha? Back in my day when we wanted to connect the calculator to the computer and download 'em things, we could. And we did it quickly too.
23 May 2003, 05:16 GMT
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