Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
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Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
t s
(Web Page)
yo pplz!! i'm new here! i know a bit about BASIC and i am starting a new site on TI BASIC Programming.
Some of my future plans/ideas/wutever (No visuals):
-A space RPG
-My own version of drug warz
-maybe an army RPG
-Something DBZ for a friend
and maybe some ideas you might have to offer...*cough* cough* wink ;) wink ;) lol
13 April 2003, 04:36 GMT
Jet Slalom... Maybe
(Web Page)
Hey, forget simtower, I've got a better idea: a fun, little, ADDICTING game called Jet Slalom. To play it, click on the "Web Page" link. I'm planning on using the Matt3D engine for this (Glasscars, Coaster 83). If it proves too confusing, I'll just start on some pointless highscore game before my brain gets _too_ fried... (3D in z80? Definitely a recipe for disaster)
15 April 2003, 23:15 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Spring Break!!!!! (w00t!)
Hmmm... Very interesting. I feel sorry for you, having to be bored through spring break. I am homeschooled, so I get to do school all this week :p. Oh, by the way, if you ever need any help, silent fury, or would be willing to do a program together I would be more than happy too :). Keep it in mind.
P.S. If anyone has ever heard of the Shining Force series, a fun saga of strategy games unlike any others, and would like to see some screen shots of my (Hopefully!) upcoming TI-83+ version, e-mail me. My e-mail is tgrmtn@Nocharge.com.
18 April 2003, 23:16 GMT
SimCity 3000 (again)
Okay, I've decided to fix SimCity and rerelease it. Those of you who downloaded it, you know exactly what I'm talking about. For those of you who don't, this will fix the little problem (not really a bug) that requires you to edit the program(s) before you can play them. Which, by the way, was not my fault. This will also take away the omnicalc requirement. Unfortunately, all these improvements mean taking away the pretty asm-style GUIs and alot of speed. For this reason, I will keep the original game in the zip for those who prefer speed. The game graphics will not be sacrificed, though, except for the cursor. Should be released in the next few days. I don't know exactly when; I restart school tomorrow. Speaking of which, I'd better do the homework I've been putting off for... *pauses to count on fingers* ...9 days now :p
21 April 2003, 23:35 GMT
Taking A Break
I agree, sometimes it is refreshing to go back and play with basic. ASM is way more fun, but Basic can give a much-needed break. By the way, I will be releasing (Hopefully in the next few days) the totally revamped version of the text-based basic game Emerald Fire. Expect a lot from this!
P.S. At 6k it includes anti-cheat, shop code, scrolling status screen, good saving, detecting saved games, etc. I should be done with it tomorrow. Expect it within this week. Oh, and this time it will have something to do with the title!
22 April 2003, 03:10 GMT
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