Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
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Hey, I'm thinking of starting to start to start to make SimTower in asm for the 83+. Is this a feasible undertaking? I don't actually own the game, but I've played it alot and teh concepts are pretty simple. Reply with questions, comments, or ideas, or threats (I'm expecting one from Jared anytime now...)
10 April 2003, 03:25 GMT

Re: SimTower?
Jared Brayshaw
It's a great idea; try using sprites if you have Omnicalc. Another idea is to possibly use a matrix for the map, with a different number for each type of tile (residential = 1, commercial = 2, etc.) The upside to using this would be something like this:
(displaying tiles)
[A](A,B)-> C
If you had the residential sprite at (0,0) in pic0, then it would be displayed as you wanted it.
14 April 2003, 04:31 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
I'm making an RPG (in BASIC) but when it's done, I'll have nothing to do. give me IDEAS!!!
10 April 2003, 20:37 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Hey I'm starting a game called VPEOPLE. It's kinda like the SIMS with no graphics. There's no garentee that I will finish it but if I do it won't be untill early 2004 probably. Have any ideas please email me.
11 April 2003, 00:25 GMT
Math 101
John Albright
I am planning on making a math program called "MATH 101". I want it to do a lot of things, so it takes the place of those tiny math programs. Does anyone have any math ideas for it?
11 April 2003, 01:52 GMT
Re: Math 101
John Albright
I am sorry I posted this here. I didn't remember I was in the "games" section untill after I clicked "POST". I will retype this in the "math" section. Again-SORRY!
11 April 2003, 01:56 GMT
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