Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
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Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Mike Kling
(Web Page)
Grand Theft Auto Vice City Coming Soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need some help-It would be usefull if I could make more than 10 pics and more than 10 strings.
15 March 2003, 22:19 GMT
I know how...
Okay, it sounds like you are doing this all in BASIC, so I can help you. As of right now I don't know how I can help your picture problems but the strings I can deal with. This is your program:
:{0}(store to the value of)L1
:Disp "Enter your name:
:Delvar K
:1(store to the value of)B
:Lbl 1
:Repeat K(is > or = to)41 and K (is < or = to)93
:Getkey(store to the value of)K
:If K=41
:If K=42
:If K=43
(I think you know what to enter here)
:If K=45
:1(store to the value of)B
:{0}(store to the value of)L1
:Output(2,A," "
:If K=23 and B(does not =)1
:Output(2,B-1," "
:L1(store to the value of)L2
:{0}(store to the value of)L1
:L2(A)(store to the value of)L1
:B-1(store to the value of)B
:If K(does not =)45 and K(does not =)23
:B+1(stor to the value of)B
:If K(does not =)105
:Goto 1
:Disp "Welcome to Vice","City
With this way you can instead of saying that Str1 is "Brian", it is now L1 which is {42,75,61,42,71}. This is telling the calculator the actual Getkey values of the name. With something that will be used over and over again however, I would still use a string. But this is better if you want to save the game.
16 March 2003, 14:30 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Jared Levinson
I am coming out with an "Outwar" game for the 83-plus. As of right now, It is in basic. I would appreciate any help with linking.
16 March 2003, 18:20 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games A new Resident Evil
I have just recently started creating a Resident Evil:Code Veronica For the TI-83plus. If you have ever played RE:CV then you will get used to the layout quickly because the map will be almost the exact same. It is going to be a arpg just like the other RE's. But do to work and school I don't get to work on it alot so it may be a little while before I get it online. The final game is going to be long and hard. My email is Rex_McArtor@hotmail.com email me with any questions or comments.
17 March 2003, 05:44 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
None none
I don't know if anyone has posted about this before, but it would be interesting to see a Dying Eyes 2 or anything close to it. The game had a good story and engine, but it wasn't enough.
24 March 2003, 02:57 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Somehow, Dying Eyes wasn't as good an RPG as it could have been. The 16x16 tiles made it look clunky. The battle system was pretty cool, but the way you could distribute points was not quite as interesting as being excited to see how much Intellegence, Strength, etc. your character gained. Also, the storyline needed some definite work. Bigger towns would be nice, and more diverse spells. Also, only have one or two skills you learn in the beginning would be more interesting. For example, you choose if you want to be a Mage (Fireball and HP->MP), Fighter (QuickStrength and Pound) or Healer (Attack->HP and Stun). These are just my suggestions, but overall I do agree. Dying Eyes II would most likely be a hit. Anyway, gotta go!
24 March 2003, 22:36 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
There are a few games that I would like to see in the near future here on ticalc.org they are Old Nintendo games.
1. Marble Madness
2. Swords and Serpents
I have both of these games and I REALLY like them but most people I know haven't even heard of them. If anyone can make these games PLEASE let me know or e-mail me at pyro_flyer@yahoo.com
Note: Marble Madness will probably have to be put into ASM and Swords and Serpents could be but could also be put into BASIC.
Thanks again.
pyro_flyer@yahoo.com again
28 March 2003, 01:44 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Jared Brayshaw
I believe that I could be considered an expert in BASIC programming. I am capable of answering most BASIC programming questions, so don't hesitate to reply to this with questions. (You can see I am an egomaniac)
4 April 2003, 05:57 GMT

Re: Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Hey Jared,
Good for you (No sarcasm intended). Now that you have mastered basic, start learning ASM. It is much more fun, because you can do much more stuff. Give it a try, and I think you will like it. By the way, I think most of the people here are good at basic. So, this post is meant in no way, shape or form to be-little you but instead is meant to say "Cool! Now tackle something a little harder"
P.S. If you need any help knowing where to get started or how to get the Assemblers, you can e-mail me and I will get them to you! (Also, look at my profile to see my e-mail)
"Carpe Pullus"
Seize the Chicken
9 April 2003, 01:27 GMT
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