Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
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Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
(Web Page)
I am currently working on my ASM skills (Still!).
Yes, I am progressing and soon I will be able to release some sweet programs.
I have many ideas, but there is one main one I am focusing on right now.
It has no name yet, but it will be a monster trainer program similar to Pokeman (No, I meant to mispell that) and Dragon Warrior Monsters.
By the way, just because I am making a program like that doesn't mean I like or collect Pokeman.
I have to admit, the GB game is fun, but the whole thing sucks.
Anyway, back on topic now.
It may be a while, but I need some people who are talented artists (And have seen what Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokeman, and Dragon Warrior Monsters look like) to make about 50 (Or more!) 16x16 sprites of monsters.
I am making a rough list of monsters.
Also, E-mail me if you want more info.
Of course, when I finish your name will appear in the credits.
Well, thanks for taking the time to read this.
P.S. Also, if you are a good ASM programmer who would like to help, you can e-mail me too!
And no, I am not going to finish it two-thirds then quit.
If I start something, I am going to finish (That's why I am still learning ASM. I would've quit a long time ago if not for my wanting to learn it).
Anyway here's my E-Mail:
Thanks! If I don't respond in a while (Which I should), try resending it.
Also, If I get enough requests for more info on it, I MIGHT post it here. Well, cya!
11 March 2003, 01:25 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
(Web Page)
what was wrong with the grammar wasn't in a glance sense, but in a conversational sense, you said "The true name for the z80 processor is just that, z80 Assembly", which is confusing from a glance pov, but but I didn't ask the name of the processor, so your question contained unecessary data. You could have said "the name of the language is Z80 assembly, and it is written for the z80 proc.", if you wanted to leave the proc bit in there.
Not that it really matters, though
Where & how did you learn asm though?
14 March 2003, 01:07 GMT
Project Falco
(Web Page)
KingSoft is currently in production of a new RPG we have dubbed Project Falco. This will be in ASM.
Two things
Will Ticalc.org take of "upcoming" posts from 4 years ago?! I think anything that was upcoming 4 years ago was probably finished 3 1/2 years ago!
Second Thing
Archiving & Unarchiving programs from within a basic program is Impossible, stop talking about it!
Please feel free email me with thought on this subject
13 March 2003, 04:20 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
George Wellman
Anyboyd read Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card? Waiting for the movie? Well, I'm working on a game for 83+ BASIC. Probably have a demo version done in a few days. Play as launchy through command school, interact with ALL of the characters as Ender meets them. Mostly text-based, but long and complex. Very fun, with a PLOT! Not linear! I need help designing a battle engine for the battle room and fleet battles sequences. Reply here or email to wellcrunch.wellcrunch@verizon.net. Thanks!
13 March 2003, 23:54 GMT
(Web Page)
I have almost completed a demo version of graphical Battlebots, using sprites on the graph screen, rather than ascii text. All I really need is what the opponents should look like, as I can't decide, and BASIC is too slow for rotations and such. Also, this prog runs in psuedo ram. (Side note: I think it's stupid that TI gave the SE 2x the ram of the 83+, but because of the low-bit language, you can only access 1 piece at a time, and the OS doesn't support it, that would be awesome for basic programmers, as you can't call subroutines through mirage,...)
AiM: VrmlBAsic
14 March 2003, 01:09 GMT
(Web Page)
I have almost completed a demo version of graphical Battlebots, using sprites on the graph screen, rather than ascii text. All I really need is what the opponents should look like, as I can't decide, and BASIC is too slow for rotations and such. Also, this prog runs in psuedo ram. (Side note: I think it's stupid that TI gave the SE 2x the ram of the 83+, but because of the low-bit language, you can only access 1 piece at a time, and the OS doesn't support it, that would be awesome for basic programmers, as you can't call subroutines through mirage,...)
AiM: VrmlBAsic
14 March 2003, 01:09 GMT
AAA--Grand Theft Auto Vice City For TI-83+SE
Mike Kling
(Web Page)
My Name is Mike, not many people know me, exept my close ring of friends. I started working on Grand Theft Auto Vice City soon after I got the PS2 game for Christmas. It's customizable such as your name. It has every feature the PS2 game has, such as: You can change your clothes; own propierty; make money; graphics; map; you are here map; health; armor; amo; hidden packages; unique stunt bonuses; and eight save spots; different cars; helicopters, and planes. I have some screen shots if you would like, untill I finish the game. I'm going to come out with sound by fall. And I need A little help, I could use some way of creating more than ten pics/drawings, and more strings could be usefull, and easier for me to come out with this game quicker. Plus, can anyone help me with sprite, and I need the list of key names, thanks, Mike. <<--Founder/CEO Lancasterlaptops Inc.-->>Mikes_Games@mk.9f.com Mike@mk.9f.com Lancasterlaptop@mk.9f.com.
15 March 2003, 22:12 GMT
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