Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
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upcoming update...
(Web Page)
Final Fantasy Magic's End will hopefully be a version 1.0 soon, but no one is emailing me what they think of it. I have the magic implemented, so when someone will play the game and tell me what you think, then I will continue with finishing the enemies...
Also looking for Beta testers!!
6 March 2003, 02:32 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
(Web Page)
I have released 3 games in BASIC and they're all on calcgames.org! Gloppy 1 already has over 400 downloads! Megatron has over 200, and Box (Megatron's sequel) is new. Also, I have finished the Gloppy 2 demo! watch for it at calcgames.org!
6 March 2003, 02:53 GMT
Another Question
So, the S.E. is capable of archiving/unarchiving progrmas but the TI-83+ is not?
8 March 2003, 16:43 GMT
I AM ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow... I'm alive... I think I've been for awhile or something... at least that's what somebody *COUGH*dabud15*COUGH* kept saying about me. *cry*
Anyway, in answer to your Oh-So-Easy Question above, no, it doesn't work for anybody. Any person who tells you that this:
:Archive prgmZPROG1
won't give you an invalid error is either drunk, high, insane, or all three, or just two, or just the other two... Never mind.
However, there is a way to arc/unarc a prog from within another prog. There are two programs, Flash Gordon and ZFlash, that do this. I've never really used them, but I know they exist. And yes, they are assembly programs.
-person who is alive and not (namely silent_fury)
9 March 2003, 22:22 GMT

Re: Re: Are you SURE???? It don't work for me!!
Ace, I know you think it will work... but trust me, you cannot archive/unarchive programs using a BASIC program. Until someone (Or a group) adds a command to let BASIC programmers do that, it will not work. I garantee you. In your example you used the Archive\UnArchive commands from the catalog, correct? Those will not work. TI specifically designed it so it wouldn't. It gives BASIC programs the potential to, well, not screw up (Which is practically impossible by the way), but at least delete ram. So, to close this post, IT WILL NOT WORK!!!
P.S. That's why you need to learn Assembly. It is a ton of fun, and I am working on releasing my first ASM program. Anyway, cya people!
12 March 2003, 00:21 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Are you SURE???? It don't work for me!!
By the way Ace, I do know ASM. Lol, I have experimented with practically every command on the calc. Including messing my calc up by changing all the system flags. And no, I am not saying I know ASM to impress you. I honestly do. My skills are still a bit shaky, but I can display sprites, do text, lotsa stuff like that. I am working on a Monster Trainer game similar to Pokemon for GameBoy. Also, I hate Pokeman, but the GameBoy game is cool and I like Monster Training Games (Such as Dragon Warrior Monsters). Anyway, gotta go. Also ace, e-mail me if you want to. I can explain it to you. Gotta go!
13 March 2003, 22:45 GMT
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