Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
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A Question about Archive and Unarchive
You said that the Silver Edition is incompatable with the 83+ when it comes to "Archive" and "Unarchive"? My 83+ has those two commands, but they don't archive and unarchive programs, just variables (including lists, matrixes, pics, I'm assuming GDB's, etc.).
Did you mean that the S.E. can archive and unarchive programs or something else? And if so, can you use the "DelVar" command to delete programs also?
Thanks, I'll try to check on those plots. (Still not 100% clear though.)
3 March 2003, 00:56 GMT
Re: A Question about Archive and Unarchive
Oh, I almost forgot to say; I haven't looked too hard, but I can't seem to find the CD for the calc to computer program. I know I've seen it before and I know that _I_ have not thrown it away, but I do have two semi-dumb brothers and ya never know.
BTW, if anyone wants to send me their TI-83+Silver Editon in the mail, that would be great. All you have to do is give a complete stranger your $100 calculator and I will PERSONALY give you my thanks and gratitude. I PROMISE!!!!! No seriously though, if you were to do that, I would like "not" send you a million E-mails. I would greatly appreciate it.
If you are still reading this, I want you to smack yourself in the face, then tell me that you did so I can laugh at you.
3 March 2003, 01:34 GMT
I some more cr@p I feel like talking about
OKAY, first of all, I would like to say that I am a total looser and this is how I am spending my Sunday.
With that said, can the Silver Edition come in different colors than that clear silver lookin' color? I would like the regular black cover. It would make it less likely to be stolen. People at my school aren't the nicest people in the world, in fact we're quite ghetto. They don't even know what RAM (Random Access Memmory) stands for. All they know is that they want more than anyone else. Would it be possible to take it apart and switch it with the case from the TI-83+? I don't care about warrenty or anything like that. Would it be possible (without destroying the calc) to do it? I know I've taken apart a different TI-83+ and it was nearly impossible to do so. The screws were messed up and some wierd octagonal lookin', doohicky. Yeah, that's right, I said it..."Doohicky". Watch' gonna' do 'bout it? Punk!!
Where did Silent Fury go lately? I'm starting to think that he might be dead, or unconcious, or ummm... yeah. I think that we are the only ones keeping this web page alive.
Je ne connais pas ou Silent Fury a habit. Je vous toutes detest!!!!
Yeah, I'm getting tired of typ
3 March 2003, 01:54 GMT
MISSING: $10 BILL Reward: $one zillian
Okay, I don't know why I just typed such a stupid title for this, but umm...Thanks for the info.
I left my calc at school (doh!) so I can't check about the whole plots thing. I gues I'll have to check tommorow. Hey, maybe I can consult my TI-83+ book and then give everyone who visits this web page a small tutorial type thing.
I still don't know where Silent Fury is. Maybe he went in for laser-eye surgury and got implants by mistake. Who knows?
And, does and one here speak French? That would be pretty cool. Je vous toutes detest!!! Je m'adore. Est-ce que je peux avoir des bon-bons? Je regrette, mais ma mere n'a pas notre zoo.
4 March 2003, 02:18 GMT
How many people visit this web page?
I just wanted to know how many people are reading this? If you are a registred member of ticalc.org please reply to this so I can, for some dumb reason, know.
I know dabud15, that kim person, the guy who keeps answering my questions about the Silver Edition, Silent Fury (who hasen't shown for quite a while), and umm... well... that's about it.
SO REPLY TO THIS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or I will haunt you in your sleep.
4 March 2003, 02:23 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
In fact, this does relate due to the fact that this
is all that i need to know before I program some really
cool ASM games.
Anyway, could someone give me an example of how to display
an 8x8 sprite. I sorta know how, but It keeps thinking the 00011101 is binary for a number, so it displays text
instead of a line. So, if some1 is willing to help me please e-mail me. Thanks!
P.S. My E-mail is tgrmtn@Nocharge.com
4 March 2003, 22:24 GMT
Can the Silver Edition Archive/Unarchive Other programs withen a Program?
Okay, this one is not meant to be stupid.
The title of this is my question. I haven't found a way to do it on the 83+ but maybe on the Silver Edition. That would make my RPG so cool, you wouldn't have to archive and unarchive manualy. I know most of us here know how to do that, but the only purpose of making a game is to give it to other people. No one at my school would know how to. I would have to put on screen instructions or something and the player would not want to do that. I don't care if it even takes a long time to archive a 10k program, I would just put
:Disp "Loading...","","Please Wait
:Archive prgm<programname1>
:Unarchive prgm<programname2>
It would be easy, everyone knows how to handle a loading screen. Not everyone knows how to archive and unarchive.
Can someone please tell if there is a way to do so in either the TI-83 Plus or the TI-83 Plus Silver Edition?
5 March 2003, 18:01 GMT
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