Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
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Programmers needed.
(Web Page)
Any programmer who is looking to join a Ti- program/game creating company, please click on the website specified above. Anyone who has basic or ASM knowledge would fit in just fine. We have produced Altered Phoenix, Phantom Phoenix, and KingSoft OS/Screensavers. We are looking for anyone who is interested, or, you can just check out the site.
Mike Conrad
31 January 2003, 22:09 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
I'm coming out with my first assembly game in a couple days. Well, I'll submit it in a couple days, there's no telling when it will reach the archives. Anyway, it's called Asteroid Attack, and it's sorta like missile command, only w/ asteroids. You move crosshairs around and shoot the incoming asteroids (meteors?) before they hit your precious slum heap of a city :) The game is done, but I have to touch it up by adding scoring, menu, etc.
6 February 2003, 23:29 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
(Web Page)
Im making a piggy hunting game, its all text but quite funny.
Im also making a gundamwing rpg.
8 February 2003, 17:40 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
OK, I released Asteroid Attack... Anyway, my next game is definitely going to be a flight simulator in asm. (If anybody is wondering, yes, AoE is still going on in the background, but I'm trying to amass lotsa asm experience before I start coding the core) I can't believe there's not a good, complete Flight Simulator in assembly out there, so I'm making one ;)
13 February 2003, 01:28 GMT
I want more MARIO!!!
(Web Page)
Is anybody currently working on an ASM grayscale Mario game for the ti-83 plus? Grayscale is POSSIBLE, you know. If not, is somebody working on an ASM mario game that's just as good as the one ported by Sam Heald? Sam's Mario is getting kinda old for me.
18 February 2003, 21:06 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Whevever I try to use the program that lets you link to the computer and put programs on, it keep saying "Can't Open Communication Port." It used to work fine on my computer until a little while ago. I tried all of the possible combinations of links and com ports.
Can anyone help me???? Porfavor? S'il vous plait? S'il te plait? PLEASE????
BTW, do my feet smell?
24 February 2003, 04:51 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Kim Yem
Hey, I am/was creating a game called Gladiators in basic. However, I have found that I am pressed for time these days and the program itself turned out to be much more complex and time comsuming then I though. Please contact me if you are interested in continuing/helping. I would greatly appreaciate it.
26 February 2003, 00:18 GMT
All the games I'm making!!
Well, I just thought I'd let everyone know that I'm now working on a bunch of different programs for the 83+:
1) Paintball Stress Relief: z80 asm
http://www. addictinggames.com/ paintball.html
2) Age of Empires: z80 asm
http://www. ensemblestudios.com/ aoeii/index.shtml
3) 4 level grayscale paint program (just an idea): z80 asm
This now possible with the grayscale dev package by Duck, but I don't know if I know enought about manipulating memory in asm
<Details below>
Biggest Project (thus most postponed): Age of Empires
*In case you didn't figure it out, take the spaces out of the web links...
28 February 2003, 00:35 GMT

Re: All the games I'm making!!
Here are some details/features of my upcoming game:
Basically it's a space shooter/scifi reputation-based RPG. Very big, over 10,000 bytes of code, not including data
*Totally type-in-able (no asm subs or anything) if you have enough time
*Pics are generated using type-in-able installation program
Space Shooter:
*Random Ships
*Decent Speed
*Real-looking energy/hull integrity status bars (woohoo!)
*Rotating (alternating) laser cannons (until you buy something better :)
*Realistic Lasers; thick near your ship & thin near the enemy ship
*Get Random amount of $ for each ship
Transition (Landing your ship on a planet):
*Generates a random planet, including random name (never the same!)
*Random level from 1-9, 1 being very nice planet & 9 being Really Really Bad.
*Choose to land or continue flying
Other part (RPG):
Here's where the reputation system comes into play. If you land on a good planet and you're a bad person, people won't want to talk to you or do business with you, and vice versa. However, if you land on a good planet and you're a good person, you will be welcome there.
*Fast (!) Map generation/drawing
*Good movement; ORs you to the screen
*Talk to people
-Good people
-Bad people
-Dealers (only appear on planets with lvls of 7 and up)
*Dealers don't sell $, they sell "illegal" weapons and stuff
*Go to trading posts, Inns, Houses, and Scrap Heaps
*Get free stuff (maybe) at the scrap heap
*depending on the lvl of the planet, houses will be either locked or unlocked
*Get good and bad reputation by fighting/assassinating good and bad people
*Go to your ship to leave the planet when it gets rough ;)
And much more! (Actually, I'm almost done, so this will really get finished!)
28 February 2003, 02:01 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
I'm working on an RPG called, in the interim, "CricketSaga".
-Makes extensive use of the horizontal split-screen, which allows for graphics while also using the speed of text display that the homescreen affords.
-Senses whether it has been run before, and if not, 'installs' itself.
-Uses its own list to avoid overwriting your data.
-Uses 'disc' system to allow for longer adventures: When you have finished the first 'disc', you just download (or, on a silver, ungroup) the next one.
Set in medieval Wales, cuz Wales iz tight.
28 February 2003, 04:47 GMT
Question about the Silver Additon
Hey, I have a TI-83+ and am hoping to finish my super obber cool BASIC RPG I mentioned a couple of pages ago. I have two problems now, the link to the computer is still not working (I'm going to try reinstalling it if I can find the disk; if it came with a disk), and two, the 83+ has maybe 25K of space available.
I want to know how much space the TI-83 Plus Silver Edition has when ALL of the RAM is cleared. If has a whole lot, I was thinking of maybe selling my 83+ for around $70, and the link cable too, and use some Best Buy gift certificits to buy the Silver Edition.
Would it be worth it? If the Silver Edition has enough RAM, then that would at least solve one problem.
Oh, and I almost forgot, does anyone have any idea how I can get the world map to appear all nice in BASIC. I want the player to have a feeling that they actually have to walk from town to town and encounter random enemy battles. I already have the story, map, and random enemy locations figured out, I just want to be able to use the "Pix-test" combined with the "Getkey" commands to move your guy around. Maybe if I were to enter about a million lines of code for every line that it were to draw on the graph screen. That way, you could zoom in or out just by changing the X and Y axis of the screen. That would be cool! A world map where you could zoom.
I washed my feet last night, so I should be alright for the next week or so.
1 March 2003, 02:43 GMT
Re: Question about the Silver Editon
First off, the Silver doesn't have much more RAM. It's the archive that's huge. Still, get one, cuz its tight and much faster.
As for the map, my friend knows a way to turn pictures on the graph screen into plots, which can then be zoomed in on. Still, the pixels would get more and more far apart, and so wouldn't look as good. Still, you could put more detail in certain areas, you know? And your program would have to make all of the window settings _exactly_ right. If you could pull it off, it would be tight.
2 March 2003, 00:31 GMT
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