Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
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Band Quest: Ultimate
(Web Page)
Still open to a better title, but for now it's Band Quest: Ultimate. Basically it's a ripoff of Nick Goulden's Band Quest, which is a rip off of Pimp Quest, which is no longer available for download (darn inappropriateness).
ANYhoo, it's actually very different than either of the games. I wrote it from scratch, using only the ideas. Sorry, I didn't like the way Band Quest was organized. Some key features are ENCRYPTED save lists (although any programmer with a graph link can just unlock the program and copy the formulas), and FOUR areas with FOUR audiences each. And a handy dandy "UP ONE" option that allows you to return to the next higher menu. The game automatically saves upon exit and deletes the save data upon loading, allowing one to continue a game, but not fall back upon old game files, although there are ways to get around this.
Your goal is to become the best musician in the world. You upgrade your instrument, you upgrade your vehicle, yadayada. The difference is it's Pimp Quest-esque rather than Band Quest-esque when it comes to health. If you're defeated, your health drops, instead of your health dropping WHILE YOU'RE PLAYING. The program seems to work pretty well. But I need people to beta test and give me feedback on two items: speed and difficulty. I programmed it on a Silver and used delays (press any key to move on or wait for it to go on on it's own), but they may seem a bit long on the regular '83+. I have yet to play the whole game (just finished programming), so I don't know whether it's too hard, too easy, or whatever.
Bottom line:
Beta Testers ('83 Plus & '83 Plus SE) wanted to test difficulty and delay lengths. If you're interested, email me at the_sftd@yahoo.com. Beta Tester names WILL BE INCLUDED in the credits!
18 September 2002, 01:46 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Blaize Gagliano
(Web Page)
got a new encryption program that uses pixels and pictures that noone will be able to find. over a billion pixels to hide it and should be fullproof. Launches sometime next month or sooner. Also counter strike multiplayer is hitting around christmas. for more intel, www.dukenukemtime.1colony.com
19 September 2002, 22:35 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Jubei Jordan
(Web Page)
Well, I've finished dance revolution 2, but ticalc needs to get their lazy ass file uploaders to start working again. If you would like a copy, email me at bobasaurus@hotmail.com and I'll send you the zip file.
20 September 2002, 22:07 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Vincent Prime
(Web Page)
In case you have read the story. or not. I'm half way with part I of Attack Of Th Killer Public Brodcasting Service THE TI GAME. Or aotkpbs.8xp
This is am menu game much like Monday. but this game has a bunch more space being used. Many objects to play with and such.
You get wepons such as THE MIGHTY SPOON!!! and THE MONKEY WRENCH!!!
Plans for the full version to come out is Spring 2003.
there will be about 4 parts. because there just too big of games to be all in one package.
The game is growing fast. I need testers. I need story writers. I may need tec help. I need you.
Be part to the next big game. (the other was breakout).
Other plans in creation are
I've Got a KNIFE! the movie and game
Math PAKK!!
Calculator HOOKER!!!
24 September 2002, 18:22 GMT
The Digimon Quest II : Artists
John Jakubowski
(Web Page)
Calling all worthy computer drawers! The Digimon Quest II already has the means on putting up individual pictures, but the thing is, I suck at drawing. So all I really need is roughly 40 pictures of Digimon that are exactly 22x22 pixels, in black and white. Now, you dont even need a calculator to do these pictures, as I will have to break them up into data anyway. You could even arrange every picture onto one JPG! So if you think you are good at drawing really small pixel pictures, email me at blackwaltz4@msn.com
upon your email, ill mail u a list of digimon i need drawn, any specifics, and every artist will be generously listed and thanked in the credits-
otherwise, itll take me awhile as i do and redo all the pictures, cause im never satisfied with how i draw...
26 September 2002, 06:11 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Edward Vincx
I've recently started a new group. We create all kind of games and programs for TI-83 Plus. The group is called Hdthx. If you wanna join, e-mail me.
28 September 2002, 19:57 GMT
Save Games
Derrick Kline
Hey, this is my first time posting here, but I really have a question. I know lots about TI-Basic in about 3 weeks when I got the calculator at school, but only one thing I don't know how to do. I'm creating an awesome RPG, but I don't know how to save the people's games when they want to stop playing! So if anyone knows about saving games, I REALLY need help, just e-mail above.
1 October 2002, 22:17 GMT
More information on my game
(Web Page)
Hey, if you are wondering when i'm gonna release the demo here are some things
I am about to re-release my beta to the testers, so it might take about a full 1 week to actually ensure safety of the program.
By the time you have DEMO1 its not gonna be in the game, but you should still download it to see what i'm doing. Upon the release of BETA1, I will start workin on the full version it will incude:
1) Code new map system
2) Code new battle engine
3) Have more magics
4) 40 pics for the map system
5) maybe add cut scenes in full artwork, unsure about this one.
6) The full version demo will start you in an island
7) 10 Differnet kinds of enemies
8) Develop and use the GRS 2002 software kit (Graphics Rendering Set)
9) The intro (not the crappy one at ticalc.org
10) Graphical Menu
People, I could use a help here, that would be GREAT if you can. I
will need an artist if I want to do a graphical cutscene, but I can
do without one too.
In the end, I believe the requirements will spike from:
24373 Bytes to 65833 Bytes (ROM and RAM)
This might be S.E. compatible. I don't know, but all I know for usre
right now is that the S.E. should not have the OS 1.12, as it will
slow down everything when GCing. So I will drop 1.12 support.
This game will be made with OS 1.15
Welp, this is all I have for now.
Wanna help me? e-mail me!
got any ideas or questions? e-mail me!
3 October 2002, 01:35 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
wayne heaney
(Web Page)
It's been two months since I started RPG but it's now done! I just uploaded it to the TI website but who knows when it will get there, probably in a month or so. So if you're reading this, go to my website (www.geocities.com/HeaneySoft) and download RPG, you have got to try this game. Don't let the fact that it's almost 23K discourage you. If you would like to read a little more in depth about it you can look at the RPG Survival Guide at www.geocities.com/HeaneySoft/RPG.
5 October 2002, 18:43 GMT

wayne heaney
(Web Page)
Just want to give a little more information about RPG, 'cause this really is the most incredible BASIC game you will find, the game includes all of these features: money, experience, levels, weapons and armor, 18 enemies, 4 bosses, 6 places and a world map (more like a continent), and a story that will take a first time player at least 2 to 3 hours to beat. I encourage everyone to play this game, you won't regret having to delete some files for it! Email me with any questions and visit the Survival Guide for more game info: www.geocities.com/HeaneySoft/RPG
16 October 2002, 23:45 GMT
Diablo II
Joseph Brown
Hey everybody,
I am in the process of developing a game for the ti-83+ application. I need some good graphics.
-sprites of characters, townspeople, enemies in 16 directions. (I know this sounds unreasonable, but whatever you can provide would be helpful)
-Movies (if you can make them on your computer and then convert them. E-mail me for the scene)
-Any other graphics you would like to dee in a game like this
I know this sounds crazy, but I'd really appreciate any help you can give me, even if its not what I asked for. (graphics wise)
e-mail: joseph00000@attbi.com
9 October 2002, 23:56 GMT
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