Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
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Elite Sprite Maker Beta 1
Well I uploaded my first ASM game tonight, it only lets you draw and store to pic0 now, but future versions will have better stuff. Its Only for Mirage, because of certain libraries unavalible to ion. Go download it! =\
9 March 2002, 05:09 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Yunchang Kwak
Hi, its me again. I'm still reading Windows XP Step by Step, since I don't have an XP Machine, I guess i'll read the manual thing from Microsoft Press.
I have re-estimated the time, probably 6 weeks.
9 March 2002, 23:40 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Curtis Parks
This is Rakim again. I guess nobody really took me seriously about Nocturne...oh well. I am now messing around with the graph screen. The method I plan on using for maps is to have a tile based world map and have if then statements to check wether or not the player(represented by a dot right now) has stepped onto a barrier of onto a house or something of that nature. Nocturne is working out really good, I have had many people help me out. The battle system is underway now. I plan to have 3 characters, and a maximum of 3 enemies. The only problem is animation of battle in BASIC language. I have yet to actually see FF Tales of Magic in action on a calc... That program has really given me inspiration as far as program structure, that and FFX3. I really would appreciate help in any area and I feel that I can get this game out by summer. I take back that comment that the game would be the best TI RPG ever. The complexity of gaming I was hoping to achieve with the TI is not possible in BASIC. If some Assembly programmers want to direct me to some tutorials, that would help too. In any case, I am ready to learn. I am also ready to release this RPG. It may not be the best but it will be up there with Highsmith and Hitoshi.
10 March 2002, 02:42 GMT

Re: Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
jeff verkoeyen
(Web Page)
Hi, this is Jeff, maker of Raging Flame....
I know how you're feeling, if you're still working on that game, I would be glad to help in some shape or form....if you would like, you can see my game at
ragingflame.150m.com and also
both of these sites have links to my other sites, where you will find even more information....
here are my good points about knowing how to program:
I can make it so there are unlimited tiles to walk in, although it gets kinda slow with more tiles there are...
I have mastered the for( loops, great for drawing and saving tons of space
I am really good at making graphics move quite smoothly
I love writing readmes for stuff and junk...lol
I have been programming for about 1 year now, but I now know (fluently) TIBASIC, HTML, JAVASCRIPT, CSS, and a little C++
If i can help in any way, just write me back at one of my emails, or visit the site, I would be glad to help, and maybe you could help me out with my games and such too!
13 March 2002, 00:57 GMT
New Projects site
jeff verkoeyen
(Web Page)
Hey everyone out there, this is Jeff, maker of Raging Flame, I would just like to inform you all that there is a new site coming out, I hope to get TIcalc.org to let me give the URL to them so they can put it on their site, but this site I am working on will have many, many games and programs once I am finished, all of the games will be downloadable, and there will be many features once I get the archives finished!
ragingflame.150m.com and click the link to the project development page
I hope you all enjoy this site and I hope that you will all download something or other!
13 March 2002, 00:46 GMT
New Projects site
jeff verkoeyen
(Web Page)
Hey everyone out there, this is Jeff, maker of Raging Flame, I would just like to inform you all that there is a new site coming out, I hope to get TIcalc.org to let me give the URL to them so they can put it on their site, but this site I am working on will have many, many games and programs once I am finished, all of the games will be downloadable, and there will be many features once I get the archives finished!
ragingflame.150m.com and click the link to the project development page
I hope you all enjoy this site and I hope that you will all download something or other!
13 March 2002, 00:46 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Nick Johnston
(Web Page)
Who here has ever seen Dragonball GT? Not many! A lot! Either way, I have a great game coming out for you. I have started full steam since its Spring Break and I have a great deal for you. For $0.00, you will soon be able to play Dragonball GT:Super 17! Yes, the Super 17 saga in all it's slendid and glory on your calculator. Fight many battles and even play a mini game to help Goku, Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Vegeta, Ubuu, and Android 18 save the world from the many evils they must now face in an RPGish environment. Many attack animations, Super Saiyan levels, lots of dialouge. If you would like to support this project, please e-mail me at lzreye@yahoo.com for any thoughts, questions, or encouragement. Expect this great game to be out (or at least a demo) by 3-22-02! You haven't lived until you have played Dragonball GT:Super 17!
16 March 2002, 07:09 GMT
Basic Programmer Needing Ideas
Hi. I recently programmed 2 games for the 83+. Yahtzee and Black Jack. I will release these games into the archive upon request, and also would like anyone to email me suggestions for new games at Jrock7286@aol.com. NOTE: I also will make Math programs (Upon Request)
22 March 2002, 05:37 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Ryan Laster
I am working on a Diablo game for the TI-83+ and could use a lot of help. I'm very new at programming but I'm not horrible. I can do a lot of the basics but if someone out there could help me with things like :
Life - gaining and losing
Money - gaining and losing
Your total amount of damage and how it affects badguys
Saving the game
If anyone can help me I'd be really thankful. E-mail me at sublime@gaminnet.net or send me an IM on AIM at Sublimefan123456
22 March 2002, 15:47 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
hay im new to game programing so if anyone can give me tips like saving, graphics, and any other info, i got a ti-83+
if ya got any info, send em
25 March 2002, 21:27 GMT
Upcoming Game: Pangea
the game is called pangea, it is an rpg with many Final Fantasy based features. Like:
Relics: you could say that it is similar to materia. it is a one time use thing. use relic, gain relic power, relic turns to dust. you can also mix relics formore powerful ones.
Job system: similar to FF tactics job system, but battles will be like clasic FF.
Many job abilities: enough said.
Weapon abilities: similar to FFX
Edge: similar to FF's limit/overdrive but each job will have it's own edge. Notice the name Edge means a move that will give you an "Edge" in a battle.
So far there are only two people on the team:
Ex60- me
VileVombat- my new member that i met by posting on this very same board
we need experienced _ASM_ programers to join. so e-mail me at Ex60hb@hotmail.com
27 March 2002, 21:50 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
I'm Making Triple Triad from FFVIII and was wondering
if anyone was interested in helping. Email me and i
will send you more info about it. i also want to have add on packs for more cards. this game will be in basic
(not to be rude but i don't want a newby) so you must be familier with it. Please contact me as soon as possible so we can get started quicker.
27 March 2002, 21:56 GMT
Star Trek T.O.S.
I have just finished a Star Trek program for the TI-83 and TI-83+, read about it in the upcoming TI-83 Basic Games.
29 March 2002, 10:53 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
(Web Page)
I want to make a strategic/action game after the anime "Zoids" I have all the ideas, I just need some art and programming help. Anyone who would like to help, please drop me an email at:
or IM me at:
30 March 2002, 02:42 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
(Web Page)
oo... look! i'm almost done with Windows XP! here are some crazy features:
4.7K Help file
Windows NT 5.1
With Flash Gordon,
You can have a lot of programs, I really can't explain this right now, read the owner's manual
User Logon
Sicode Securtiy Suite for Windows XP
Windows NT 5.1 Features:
Ability to send and recieve Pics 1-0 (10), Strings 3-0(10), and Lists 1-6.
PLease note that Windows NT 5.1 is a DEMO version. I'm still not done with it yet.. The full version will include Real Variables to send and recieve.
Logon Required.
TI-83 Plus : Almost Done 99.99999999999999%
TI-83 : Few Modifications soo,,,, 93.95%
TI-82 : NO! (sorry....)
Windows NT 5.1 will be released today, um... i'm uploading the file today.
Windows XP: Expect to see it within 3 more days
Oh ya, i forgot.....
I currently only have 3 beta-testers, and I need more.......
If you would like to help out, you know my e-mail address.... or not.....
If you would like to talk to me,
Darkadvengher2390 is my screen name for AOL AIM.
1 April 2002, 19:20 GMT
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