Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
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quick question
does any one know of a really good ion based asm tutorial i have a really good idea for a 3d space fighting game and i had it almost written in tibasic and realized that it was not going to work i could not even shoot at the "badguy" yet and it was already running too slow and pushing 16 K someone please help!!
my email is
19 February 2002, 16:17 GMT
My New (First) major BASIC Ti-83+ Game
(Web Page)
I am creating a battlebot™ game for the Ti-83+. Currently, this game features a custom Bot Builder, & an arena in which you can compete in rumble mode with 3 other computer-driven bots. You can hire different Drivers & Mechanics. Each of which, provide additional bonus points, according to their status. For instance, the driver who will work for free won't provide as many bonus points as will a more advanced one (That you have to hire) Yes, this Bot Builder DOES come with limited irrelevant data checking functions. THus said, you cannot easily edit your bot to have 100000 hit points. There are different damages delt by different weapons. For example, a flipping arm deals minimal damage, but will throw the flipped bot back a couple of feet. Yes, there are hazards. A good stratagy in this came is to line yourself up with an opposing bot, diagonally accross the hazards. The AI is not that good, & the bots will charge at you, over the hazards. This does in fact damage them. There is NO MULTIPLAYER support, I will include it, if I get any good reader responses (if any) to this post. Also, there is currently only 1 arena, & it is hard coded into the game. I will include a level editor soon, & uses matricies to store the levels. Finally, this program was originally proposed to me by a good friend of mine at my school. So, this is BATTLEBOTS, & NO you may NOT take my code & edit it. I don't care if you say you have my permission, because then you're lying, because I WILL NOT GIVE IT OUT! Clear?? Ok.
Current Program Size: 8732 Bytes (Bot Creator)
12349 Bytes (Actual game)
BTW, you may only have 1 bot at a time, & no this code isn't optimised. A burly SE calc (like mine) can handle the loopiest code easlily (In BASIC). If you want it optimised, e-mail me.
23 February 2002, 06:15 GMT

Re: My New (First) major BASIC Ti-83+ Game
(Web Page)
Success! I have gotten the BattleBot game itself to run through mirageOS. (No, it's not just adding that colon!) My attempts at a separate data subroutine were feutal, so expect 0-)'s for pics. There is now a random opponent selector, & 100 bot bash countdown .(Unlike BB's 16 bots) There is no timelimit, except in Bot&Mplayer mode, in which you can play via link, against an opponent with some bots (up to 64, but this will lag.) 24-1 calc playing will not be done, & I have removed my demo due to the stupid people who claim that my game is too big for their Ti-83 normal's ram, & that MirageOS dosen't work. This isn't a bug. A FLASH-COMPATABLE CALCULATOR IS REQUIRED! BTW, for all loyal downloaders, my web site will be down for a while. Thanks for your understanding(In advance)
15 March 2002, 04:59 GMT
Simcity 2000
Well, thigs are going sooo great!!!!!!!
My calculator crashed!!
as in, the ENTIRE memory. So I guess it will take me 3 hours re-porgramming the portion since I only backup this game oh, once a week. So oh well..
In case if you are wondering......
The program source code will be free to the public. If you modify, change some things, please say that this program is based on Simicty 2000 by ABG Software.
23 February 2002, 18:46 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
I am begining a TI83 Plus game. I am an pretty profecient BASIC programmer, however I have problems making pictures and animation in BASIC. I am making an RPG called Nocturne. It is ending the conceptual stage and is coming together nicely. I need help in making grpahics, period. Walking, battle, anything. I going to use the same technique that was used in FF Tales of Magic as far as the use of PicList to get alot of pictures. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have made several pretty deep text based RPG's. However, I believe that if I can program great graphics into this new game, it will be one of the best RPG's on any TI Calc. So please send advice, code, or just conversation to my email. Thank you.
23 February 2002, 20:52 GMT
New Basic Game
I am going to release Pimpin! in a few days. It is a drugwar type game, complete with save mode, and a few other things. If you have any suggestions, email me at 83plusmaster@cityofis.com.
28 February 2002, 22:37 GMT
Race Wars game (Fast and Furious type)
Im making a game like the movie Fast and Furious, where you race cars, bet with other people, and gain new car parts. You will also be able to use Nitrous Oxide Systems(NOS). If anyone is interested or could help me out, E-Mail me at Inlinedude609@aol.com.
I am now finished with all the interactive menus, but I need dire help with the actual racing part. PLease help me.
Fast Fred
2 March 2002, 04:53 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Yunchang Kwak
Ok, I guess Simcity is cancelled due to numerous reasons. Oh well.
That's not all though,
I'll be worked on Windows XP Home (again). Since I now know a lot about the DRAW commands. Expect to see this in about 3 weeks.
The program will feature:
Graphical Interface
Flash Gordon
Sicode's ercryption program
Sicode's Lords
Money 2002 Standard
Word Pad.
And soon to come.
3 March 2002, 20:07 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Well, Ive been working on three things now.
1. Monster Trainer 83+ This is a game alot like Monster Rancher for GBA. Its in basic, and all on the graph screen. It saves and loads from a list, uses one pic (for now at least) It doesnt use the pause command once, instead i use this little line-
Repeat Ans=21
and it works the same as pause, but you can have them press any key you want, i just use 2nd though. It does take a few more bytes but i think its better. Anyway, im working on the battle system right now.
2. Quick Pong - An assembly pong game, almost works, but doesnt -_-;
3. Finally, my assembly rpg. This may never get completed, but im STILL tyring to make the tilemaps work. But i know i will be using 8x8 tiles, and thats about all i know.
6 March 2002, 23:33 GMT
Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
i am a pretty good programer but my games need a saving capability but i don't know how to do this.
does any one know hot to? e-mail me the info or post it here.
8 March 2002, 16:50 GMT
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