Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
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Reply to this item
Zac Targac
what are your favorite games for the 83+
anybody know asm email me at
2 March 2001, 04:31 GMT
Coming soon.... to a TI-83 pluas near you...
Xtreme Game Pack v1.0
Prgm name= AAX
Sub Programs
BlackJack (fully graphic w/automatic counting
Pro Fishing 2000/2001 (pure graphics) beta version released
Magic Eight Ball (.....yes.....)
Tic Tac Toe (for sure two player might have ai too)
Bowling (again fully graphic)
Racing 2D (typical racing game)
I might have to delete get rid of bowling if it doesnt fit in ram all at once I am also working on greatly reducing the size of my fishing program by making the pictures as stat plot list (then i also can archive them).
Is it possible to archive in Basic?
9 March 2001, 01:42 GMT
Cantictian Productions (::) Doom: The Dark Ages Update
(Web Page)
Well, I've made an update. I've been playing around with some ASM graphics, but to no avail. I may just have to sit down and do the pics by hand. Oh well, it'll come out all right. I have the intro and everything at the beginning encoded already, just got to get the pics and I'll start the level designs. You can check out the updates on my site (The link above) anytime. Thanks.
18 March 2001, 07:17 GMT
Need A Person To Help Program ASM
Josh Niezgoski
Hello, I know we all want to learn ASM, but I'm different then everyone else. I know I want to learn ASM. But if I learn ASM I will probably be one of the best programmers ever, although I suck at computer programming. There isn't very many good RPG's out for the Ti-83 Plus system yet on ASM, I doubt ever. But in this situation I'd like to change that, I've already attempted to make sweet RPG's for Basic which have resulted in awesome accomplishments but lacking in graphics, and other things which would great improve with ASM programming.
Whoever helps me program in ASM will very much be a nice person which I will admire so greatly. Thank-You
Sorry this doesn't pertain to anything about Upcomming Games, but I know a lot of good ASM programmers check this. So please... help a man out!
Email me if you can help: RedFyre1@hotmail.com
21 March 2001, 22:07 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Tim Hollingsworth
(Web Page)
Hey guys..i am going to start working on a pornstar game. where you are a upcoming pornstar.If you want something to happen in it drop me a line at bike212@msn.com
24 March 2001, 18:40 GMT
A Call For Programmers
(Web Page)
Alright, I'll be brief. I am extending an offer to any calc programmers out there. I am asking to see if anyone would like to join my production company. There is no pay, but you'll be listed on the site and major games will have theire own download pages. I know it's something many of you could probably do alone, but if this consortium were to get off the ground, I don't think anyone will be sad. As an added plus, more people working together can accomplish more tha one person. If you are interested, check the site out or E-Mail me directly here: Skandranon1@Excite.com
Thank you for your time.
27 March 2001, 02:39 GMT
NEW 83 plus ASM CLAN
Zac Targac
join speed were getting the site brand new 83 plus asm clan email me and tim if you want to join.
were gonna be sweet.
30 March 2001, 08:04 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Me and a friend are programming the popular pc game Heros of Might and Magic 2 for the TI-83 plus. Any comments and/or suggestions for things you would like to see in this program would be welcome at MattBandit@AOL.com
7 April 2001, 01:22 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Hi, I would like to announce an upcoming game that I and my friend are making: Heroes II: Of Might and Magic. If you have never played the computer game, it is a turn based strategy game in which you are able to buy monsters that fight against your opponents monsters. There are also many spells that you can use. It will be 2-player. Look for additional postings as our game progresses. If you have any suggestions, please tell me.
12 April 2001, 02:22 GMT
----clanlord---- The ultimate RPG
J.D. Thomason
(Web Page)
I am J.D. Thomason. i am working on BASIC game called Clanlord. there are many citys in this game and alot of things to do. The great thing about this game is that you never win. you just keep on going until you get tierd. There are going to be many creatures and even some kinda bosses. and things like this. say you get to level 5 then qual the evil wizard takes control of all the trools, he makes them goto puddleby city and try to destroy it. you've got to save the city! But the biggest part is that i'm looking for a partner. We can e-mail each other code and stuff for parts of the game and if we like it and you guys do then we'll make a seq. If you want to give me ideas ( please do!!!) or you want to be my partner in this, please e-mail me at snowguy_2006@hotmail.com or post a message here! thanks
--j.d. thomason
20 April 2001, 02:06 GMT

Re: ----clanlord---- The ultimate RPG
Sounds like a really cool game! I would like to help you out on it, but I am too busy with projects of my own. I have a few suggestions: Make the game have an ending. It is no fun if the game has no ending. It could be a very long and hard to get ending that takes a long time, but people like to be rewarded by "beating the game." Also, a problem that I have with trying to make games that have a lot of plot and storyline is that the story takes up a lot of memory, so you cant make it that big or interesting. What would get around this is if you could archive and unarchive porgrams from within a program. Then you caould have a game that was, say, 40,000 big, and part of it would be in the archive where you could unarchive it when needed. I know that this is possible, but not in BASIC. So I have a question for anyone out there who could answer it: Is there an ASM program that can be used with BASIC games that will let you unarchvie and archive BASIC prgorams? For example: Ion can detect archived programs and unarchive them for you to run. If there is not a program like this, someone should make one.
23 April 2001, 05:13 GMT
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