Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
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Surface Action (Strategy game for 83 and 83+)
Eric Pasch
(Web Page)
Hi, I have just finnished a game called Surface Action. The only problem is, it has a couple of bugs. (the game is written in basic, so it is 100% playable!!!) That is why I am now working on Surface Action 2 for the 83 and 83+. It will fix all the bugs, have some graphics changed, be twice as small, and have ALOT less programs. SA is a game where you battle at sea against the computer. You can download SA1 at my website, linked above, or find out more about SA2.
Please check out my site, and post some program ideas while your there. Don't forget to sign my guest book too.
24 December 2000, 02:43 GMT
Games Under Development
(Web Page)
I am making two, games. Trade Wars and The Pong Collecton.
Trade Wars-A Druwars type game set in space. You have to trade spices to pay back the debt you owe from a poker game. You can shop to buy a better ship and weapons to defend your ship from pirates.
Pong Collection-A collection of pong games. Includes 1 player "off the wall" games, 1 player vs. AI, and 2 players via link cable.
If you would like to help e-mail me at sjrberg323@flashmail.com
Also, visit my website. There is much more to come
-Steven Riekeberg
HyperSoft Member
6 January 2001, 02:34 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
(Web Page)
I am currently working on a version of The 7th Guest. YES, it is like the one made in the early 90's by Trilobyte and Virgin Interactive. It is a puzzle game along with a good RPG storyline. It has a lot of graphics. It has the foyer in full detail, and upstairs. There are a few videos that are kind of cool too. This is one of the first BIG programs that I have created. I do have enough of it for people to test it. If you are interested in it right now, contact me at: Rswaims@aol.com
12 January 2001, 19:37 GMT
Resident Evil 2 for 83+!!!
Mikey Wiseman
(Web Page)
Hi, I am the creator of Metal Gear Solid and Resident Evil for the 83+. I am currently at work on my sequel for Resident Evil. It will be called (drum roll, please)....RESIDENT EVIL 2!!! Wow!! It will feature more items to use, a different setting, and kinda a story. I am planning on realasing the initial game, then releasing latter versions (gold versions, etc.) that are extend parts of the game. Visit my site, which is updated daily except on certain holidays, and on some weekends, for continuing info on this game. It should be out soon, so e-mail me!!
Mikey :)
14 January 2001, 01:57 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
I'm working on a mario type game in asm.
Right now, I have tile mapping routine done and I'm working on a good jumping routine.
21 January 2001, 14:33 GMT
I'm making a decent DrugWars for once. It should have up to 2 bodyguards to help fight the cops, bulletproof vests, and maybe laser sighting. If anyone wants to send me some pointers, please do, preferably by email.
23 January 2001, 22:02 GMT
Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games - Shikeera
Jeremy Rimpo
Im making an ARPG with ARPGCS, (Shikeera). All that have played these game types, its better that the others, there are secret passages that you can find with powerups and it has a good plot and graphics. Its also manageable (you are led, not wandering around aimlessly hoping to find something) Its also oriented, its easier at the beggining (easy enough at least) and much harder later on. Im planning to have approx 50-60 rooms, but file size might restrict it. Right now it is about 40% done, unless I have to make it smaller for size. 3 'weapons', 3 keys, and the ending object. When this is done Im making at least one sequel.
25 January 2001, 22:25 GMT
Battleship for TI83+
I'm making Battleship for TI83+ and was hoping I could get some feedback from here.
First of all, if it has already been made, I don't want to waste my time remaking it.
If not, I could use any useful ideas. The game is being written in Basic and needs
a little more work. I am going to try and make a multi-player version when finished
with this one.
If anyone could respond, please do so.
25 January 2001, 23:08 GMT

Re: Battleship for TI83+
Mikey Wiseman
(Web Page)
Hey dude,
I'm really good with basic programing, and I would really like to help you in any way possible. If you want some help with the current version, just e-mail me. And, I know alot about link games, and how to program something to play link, so if you want any help wit dat, just let me know. The only reason I fool around with the ARPGCS stuff is because I like what I can make with that. I will be glad to help you with any program in the future or anything, just let me know what you want help with. Okey, c ya!!
Mikey :)
10 February 2001, 01:26 GMT
Cantictian Productions Presents:: Inshan: Aleistra's Quest
(Web Page)
My company, lowly as it is, will be embarking on a Roleplaying game based on the world from Tomb, Inshan. This is a sort of pre-history game in which you as Aleistra must travel, fight, and obtain certain weapons to regain your memory and ultimatly remember your job. your an assasin and you have to kill an undead sorceror named Niershak before he destroys the realm. Information on the game will be updated on my site (when i get it up, which will be soon) and for any other need for details, E-Mail me.
8 February 2001, 14:11 GMT
(Web Page)
hi. im agentice. i have the game done but im working on speeding it up and downsizeing it right now whall finishing drawcool. heres a pic (some what)
# <-enemy =O} <-you --- <-enemy fire ::: <-ur fire
time>24 score>2
the point is to keep the enemy from shoting u thare for killing u (duh) and crashing into u un tell the times up.
10 February 2001, 00:00 GMT
(Web Page)
hi. im agentice. i have the game done but im working on speeding it up and downsizeing it right now whall finishing drawcool. heres a pic (some what)
# <-enemy =O} <-you --- <-enemy fire ::: <-ur fire
| |
| ::::::=O}|
| #--- |
| |
|time>24 score>2 |
the point is to keep the enemy from shoting u thare for killing u (duh) and crashing into u un tell the times up.
10 February 2001, 00:03 GMT
Enoch Boateng
Hey. Im currently working on an ASM game call arena fighters. (i know its not the greatest title, but i don't know what to call it yet) anyway this game is "loosely" based to the Dragon Ball Z series. im my game you fight to increase strength, speed, and energy to become the greatest fight in the univese. same ol' story. anyway you can create your own fighter and its a 1 or 2 player game. now the problem im having is that in asm, i only know how to use vars that are 2 bytes in size. if anyone knows how to use or save variables greatter than 65535, please contact me. thanks
11 February 2001, 03:57 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Joe Pemberton
I am working on a 3/4s view side-scrolling skateboarding game. So far I have the basic engine done, ollieing done, rails and 3 different grinds. I will try and get obstacles and funboxes working soon. please email me if you have something you want me to put in the game. I might even let you be a beta tester. Questions/comments: dArkSk8eR@buffbody.com
13 February 2001, 04:27 GMT
Cantictian Productions Presents :: Doom - The Dark Ages
(Web Page)
Yes thats right. Our company will be creating another Doom game. I recently changed the engine to add more detail and fix some of the older problems that come with having multiple weapons. All of this information will be posted onsite, along with additional changes and features. The story will also be posted. It's all under Doom Project if you go. This is still the early stages, but I guarentee, this game will be the best one there is for the 83+ in this category.
25 February 2001, 07:00 GMT
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