Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
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Why Do People Think They Can Make Giant Games for the 83+?
Just something I'm really wondering about, seeing all these posts of ports from SNES and N64 games.
But, forgetting about that, I'm gonna talk about one of my small little projects.
Gundam Wing Battler is sort of like the Gundam Wing Merc's game, but I programmed the entire thing myself, and it's half the size (currently). It'll have a 2 Player Battle over a link, and it should appear in the archives soon....I need Testers though... E-mail me if you wish.
3 November 2000, 01:48 GMT
Final Fantasy 7 TIdbits
I am working on a game called Final Fantasy 7 TIdbits.
It will bring many of the coolest elements of FF7 to your TI 83+ (minus the huge worlds and rich dialog, of course).
The format will be like a board game. You will roll a die, then have a choice to move along the board in one of several directions. When you land on a space, you will collect materia, or visit a shop, or fight a battle, or find a treasure chest, or bet on chocobo races, or get a new character, etc. The game boards will scramble every time you play, and the high score will be saved, both ensuring long lasting FF7 goodness on your 83+! :)
Expect about 8 playable charcters, 2-3 weapons per character, 2-3 limit breaks per character, 20-30 types of materia, 10-20 items, 15-25 enemy types (including 3-4 bosses), FF7 style battle, FF7 style attributes, 5-10 shops.
The final version will be in one program file, which you can archive and run from MirageOS. There will also be 2-4 pic files required which will automatically be unarchived/archived at the start/end of program execution.
Post any comments, suggestions, or criticisms here.
3 November 2000, 06:09 GMT

Arrrrgghh. Development on this game is now suspended. I have run into a major difficulty.
I was getting curious if this game was going to run on the limited RAM that the 83+ has, so I did some things to test it. I went ahead and put a bunch of comments into my program, to make it about the size that I was prediciting the final file to be. Much to my dismay, even another 4 kb or so is too much. I dont get why it doesnt work, because there should be enough memory to run it....here's the rundown:
a 10kb program file + 6kb of runtime variables(matrices) + 2.3kb of pic files = 18.3 kb
I have about 24 kb after clearing my RAM, so it should run, but apparently it needs more than that. Anyone know where the extra 5-6 kb is coming from?
Well, anyway, for this program to work, I would need to code the rest in less than 4 kb, and I dont see that being very likely. So I dont know if I'm going to continue working on it or not. I might try optimizing it now, to see how much I can trim it, but I dont think it's going to be enough.
21 November 2000, 08:26 GMT
Hey, what OS are you using? If it's Mirage, I got something that might work, but I'm scared to actually try it. When you run a program in Mirage, I haven't seen if it will unarchive a program that's called in the program you're running.... if it can, your problem is solved through use of 3 - 4 programs....else, we've still got a problem. Um...you could try just unarchiving the pics right when you need them... that might help. Just really trying to think. I'm a programmer too, just not z80. Got the C++ and stuff...Basic = My best language...So this isn't my specialty area....Geez, I don't know what the heck you can do.... this is a big problem, and I hate not having enough space (I try to make my games really big too) ...Can't archive run-time vars....but you can archive the pics. So...Just send it to my e-mail, I'll figure out a way to work it w/o changing the code. I can't really do too much unless I can see it and exactly what's wrong. Try what I said, and if it doesn't work, I'll be back. You should be able to run it on the 6KB, it's weird it's not letting you. I ran a 20 K ASM game yesterday. dan_gtb@yahoo.com
24 November 2000, 05:00 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Tyler Start
I don't know a single thing about assembly programing, but I was wondering if it is possible to make a first person shooter for ION? I personally don't think that the basic ones run fast enough for a first person shooter. So if it possible tell me.
11 November 2000, 18:46 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Justin G.
(Web Page)
I would like to have the source to mario82 so that I might finish it and make it available !!WITHOUT EXTERNAL LEVELS!! so that 83+ users can play it.
Whoever made this please post your source.
17 November 2000, 17:48 GMT
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