Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
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Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
george linkington
(Web Page)
Well in my school I am know as the guy who can make good games take up small space (the games are good for what I can do)
I'll try to make:
Black Jack
15 May 2005, 23:39 GMT
Chris Call
We at Hornet Programming are proud to announce the programming of our first game:
The project is codenamed ONE and is a BASIC rpg due out by mid to late summer, we are very excited about this. We are very new to progamming so even with BASIC we are learning somthing new everyday. We will post a Beta by early to mid summer. Please post any comments or questions, or e-mail me at broncobelivr14@excite.com
22 May 2005, 01:28 GMT
Basic DDR
TJ Hampton
Yes, I realize you've seen all those other horrible basic DDR games, no scrolling, too easy, incorrect arrow patterns, THIS will fix all that, I've been able to get an arrow to scroll up the screen, speed controllable, very smoothly.. I'm using Omnicalc, and Basic... I've been wanting to do this for quite a while... but I couldn't quite get it to do what I wanted it to do without omni, which I just recently discovered... "THANKS" to another basic DDR game, (which I felt was horrible for many reasons) Hit me up on my e-mail if you want to see what I've got so far (it's an arrow scrolling up the screen, unless you change the programming, you can't change which arrow comes up, and you can't really do much of anything with it.. but it does show very well that you can scroll arrows very well using no more then omni/basic.
24 May 2005, 05:44 GMT
Many games to come soon!
aaron barnhart
School's nearly out and as such I'm slowly getting more and more time to work on some projects and finish them up. There should be four or five more games coming out from me over the month of June. One that should be on the site in a day or two is Mastermind (basicmastermind.zip), in which you must figure out a 5-digit code (very similar to the board game, with only a few changes). Also coming soon are three games that are all related, titled LINEGAME, LINEGME2 and LIMEGME3. LINEGM3 will be a two-player game (currently both players play on the same calc, possible linked version coming later), and beyond that I won't say anything about the line games. Also coming (and I know I've been promising this game for years and it hasn't come out) soon is Armies, a tactical war game where you must build up a giant army and crush your way through four cities. A few other games are in the works, but nothing else coming out soon.
I am also in the process of looking for new game ideas. I am pretty good with BASIC programming, so if you have some ideas for games (make them reasonable, no Diablo or StarCraft requests) let me know about them.
Have a great summer everyone!
27 May 2005, 00:17 GMT
New Dance Dance Revolution
Gary Schmidt
(Web Page)
I am currently making the best Dance Dance Revoulution game for the TI-83 Plus and above calculators in regular old assembly language. It will have awesome graphics, 8 songs in all 3 diffiulties, a nifty groove radar, and the CORRECT arrow order. It will have classics like MaxX Unlimited for all you true DDR lovers. Just click the link above to a DDR fanatic website to see more information including screen shots and a discussion. Post feedback here if you think there should be something added. ^_^
30 May 2005, 05:49 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
I am currently working on a new Fal down with either three or four speeds, a new Fast Tunnel with same number of speeds, and a new avalanch. So far I am almost done and when I am done all will put them all out on the same day. I am having a little trouble at the moment with a couple of things so the programs should be ready by at most in two weeks but possibly up to four. Got any ideas contact me.
10 November 1999, 03:03 GMT
Upcoming Application/ Operating System
(Web Page)
You will want to get this! Two ASM Progs, one in APPS format, another in FLASHOS format announced by WJ Comm! NaviGatr - Application with MirageOS, ION, ASHELL, SOS, and new SHOCKasm compatibility! Also adds new features such as Unarchiving/Archiving Programs, BASIC-to-ASM compiling, and integration with leading APPS!
OSpro is a FLASH operating system which includes NaviGatr, OfficePro (Office Software-Wordix, Paintix, Graphix, Calcix, Excelix), TruLink, INSTALLR advanced ASM and APPS installion software, CATALOG updater) and much more
RELEASE DATE: 01/01/03, hopefully!
11 March 2002, 22:54 GMT
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