Upcoming TI-83 Games
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Re: Upcoming TI-83 Games
STRING the GAME is coming in one month Jun 13th
TI will see basic programing go advanced. The Game
will be a RPS, RPG, and a Arcade game all in one in
July it should be avalable on all calculators.
6 May 2003, 23:35 GMT
Grand Theft Auto
I've decided to give BASIC programming a try, and create GTA. Since it'll be in basic, the graphics won't be terribly good (little dots for people), the city will be small (6 full screens), the game will be rather large (16,000bs), but there will be at least 10 missions, as well as a working casino, speedway, (menu based) boxing ring, and the ability to traffic both guns and drugs... and of course, the ability to steal cars and kill.
When it's completed, I was hoping perhaps a more experienced programmer could go over the code and cut it's size down, and maybe even help me make the game better for it's release.
2 July 2003, 02:21 GMT
Upcoming 3D ASM Game for TI-83
Sora Hikaru
At the moment I am busy with a pseudo 3D game. The 3D engine is finished and some people have seen it and think it looks 3D. However its not the vector 3D that you see in computer games on the computer. In fact it are sprites builded in each other. But for TI the 3D is nice. Its much better then those fake Dooms in TI-Basic.
I also have finished a TI-NetLink system that works almost perfect. I think I will make it up to 8 calculators. (Actually there is no limit of how many calculators can be connected so 100 or 1000 is possible but then it would take 10 seconds or more before the link routine is ready). So 8 is the limit and I dont think 100 people will connect their calculator together.
TI-NetLink doesn't work on VTI but only on real calculators or emulators that use the real 2 bits sending system instead of Bytesending what VTI does.
I also will make an One-Player option in it with background sound so people without friends also have fun with this game.
But there is one disadvantage. You have to pay for it. I will calculate 3 Euro for a standard version with everyting except level building and 5 Euro for a pro version with Level building.
There will be a shareware version on the internet with only a one player option and one level to play.
29 July 2003, 22:34 GMT
Re: Ender's Game for TI!
George Wellman
Is anyone an Ender's Game fan? I'm working on a graphical version of Ender's Game for 83,83+ and 89. It will be turn-based strategy, in Basic, but with excellent graphics. Please see the 83+ upcoming programs for more info, or visit my website at www.geocities.com/mightyg16, or email me at mightyg16@yahoo.com
12 August 2003, 23:56 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Games
Jacob Woo
Hello all! This is my first time posting. I am in the process of making Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising for Ti-83. The beta-demo will be coming out soon, in BASIC, and the final project will be in ASM.
3 November 2003, 23:11 GMT

Sequel to my Bomber game.
wayne heaney
(Web Page)
I've been thinking about making Bomber 2, the sequel to one my older games that I like a lot. Please click the URL above this post and check out the first Bomber, it's a really good two player strategy game, or one player with the AI I made. I've been thinking that Bomber 2 would be very similar to Bomber, but be almost completely graphical, where Bomber was almost completely text. There would be a lot more options, like customizing your players abilities (with restrictions of course), starting anywhere in the arena you want (so the opponent won't know where you start), making the arena a little bigger or maybe letting you choose between a big arena or the traditional, having two bases so you don't have to go ALL the way back to your base to win. I would also like to make a better AI (eventually) so you could play one player and have it be challenging. Lastly, I would like to try to make it a smaller file than the previous version... key word "try", it won't be easy if even possible! Anyways, I'd love to hear opinions on this, so please download Bomber from the URL above, play it for a little, and tell me what you think about what I've said here. I would prefer that you email me about this, but I will check the posts here too. Thanks for your help in advance, I love Bomber, and I think this Bomber 2 would be a great game.
10 April 2004, 04:09 GMT
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