Upcoming TI-83 Games
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Hey. I am Tempest Stormwind, and I noticed a big gap in the programs available for my calc of choice, the Original 83 (at least, programs that didn't need ASHELL and took advantage of all the power in the 97 release). Since neither I or my programming buddy Malachi Red know ASM as of yet (but are looking for any good tutors!), we set out to write a BASIC RPG. Not just any one -- This one has ACTUAL WORKING GRAPHICS.
The menu is finished, with astounding graphics and a decent response time. The battle system is 99.9% done, and has a good response time and graphics that easily beat Joltima and almost match FFx4 -- and has an AI of sorts! There are even 12 unique and well-put-together spells! The only areas lacking in graphics are the towns and towers (the latter being our equivalent to dungeons), and the overworld is a little corny, but the rest is worth it. We based the battle screen on FFx4, alright, even to the 2 characters, but ours is slightly different.
Now, unlike FFx3, FFx4 and Fantasy Realm (which were smaller, yes, but were ASM!), this one has a good story! Regrettably, due to space constraints, you need to download a new file from the archive every so often to replace something a la old dos games with episodes (Jazz Jackrabbit and the like). This is okay, since to get it in the first place you need a graph link or access to one.
The game will be called Phoenix. I know there's a shooter out there of the same name, but this is significantly different from it. For more info or screenshots contact skyline_software@hotmail.com. I'll have a website up soon. We don't have a release date yet, although it will probably be in the first quarter of 2001. We welcome the input!
(to preemptively answer our most common question, there will eventually be a 83+ version. If we can do a direct port, perfect, otherwise, MirageOS will do the trick nicely, since it can run 83 BASIC files.)
22 December 2000, 04:27 GMT
Breath of Fire
David Pham
(Web Page)
Hey its me FatimaKnight57 of Fatimaknight57 productions, running desprately low on resources, what do you do? you post on this website and ask for help! If there is anybody out there who just happens to want to volunteer ideas it would be great!
Here's What I aalready have:
Graphic Intro
Inversed Credits
3 save/load slots
Contrast option
Inverse option
almost D&D style stats
and other misc stuff
10 January 2001, 22:24 GMT
EliXar - a BASIC RPG using many TI-83 features
Coming in a while (not soon), from STARSOFT is EliXar. It is an RPG created entirely in BASIC on the TI-83. It will include many features including: structured coding, which allows for no memory errors, and small space requirements for the programs (Which means I can make the RPG larger). 4 Saves, to Matrices, and the name of your character is saved to a Parametric graph string (not used by most ppl.). An epic storyline (as with most RPGs). A few pictures (but most of the game uses text-based graphics with a pi character). Possibly mini-games within the rpg. Also, much much more.
This will be the BEST rpg for the TI-83 calculator. It will demonstrate the capabilities of the BASIC language.
Coming not too soon, to many TI sites. (It has just been started, so far the battle-engine and save-game feature as well as one picture and half of the intro movie have been completed. Oh yeah, and the real-time scrolling credits screen. :) )
Tell me any comments you may have.
~Jason R (StarSoft)
26 January 2001, 05:24 GMT

Re: EliXar
My friend Malachi Red and I have been working on Phoenix, a similar RPG. We are in the final stages of coding, (entering storyline and script, and such) and I'd like to touch base and compare notes. For example, how can a parametric graph string be written from a program? Also, what do you mean by structured code? How can this prevent memory errors?
We are both quite experienced in TI BASIC coding, but have had little or no time working in ASM. Nonetheless, contact us at skyline_software@hotmail.com to touch base. I'm sure EliXar will be very cool. It seems like it may be better than Phoenix (which needs switching of a program every so often to accomadate the story -- which is expandable), and Phoenix is already surpassing the BASIC quality of SiCoDe programs.
BTW, in case you're confused, this is Phoenix the RPG, not the popular shooter of the same name for more advanced calcs.
16 February 2001, 05:06 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Games
He everybody
I have made a new game called PLAYMATE
It is like tamagochi (?) but with a woman
The main gaol of the game is to get an average in scores of 10--> you have 5 scores...
the games uses pics....
butt how do you put it on on the internet?
if you can tell me I will put it on....
its a great game and everybody I now has it and likes it but I just can't git it on the internet....
I really want to give it to anybody how wants it but first I have to now how!!!!!
26 January 2001, 11:08 GMT
Hendrik Funke
I can't edit the most programmes, but I know, there is a trick. I need this trick, because the pupil in my class edit my games and do their points on start to millions. Can I edit this programmes, too? I have written a lot of programmes on Ti-83.
Please write me soon.
Sorry for my bad English (I'm German)
email: hendrik_funke@web.de
30 January 2001, 18:13 GMT
Ogres that look like Fran Drescher
Jared Moore
I am working on a game that is called Dark Wars for the 83. It should also be compatable for the 82 and 83+. It is a text-based RPG. A main feature is that your stats you choose in the beginning of the game determine your attacks, conversations, and luck. It is halfway done, but if anyone knows how make the game so I can save/load, please send help or else you can't fight Fran Drescher. It should be ready in two weeks.
8 February 2001, 00:18 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Games
Daniël Ouden, van den
I'm currently working on multiple 83-basic gamez
<<< Dune II - The building of a dynasty >>>
This is going to be (One of) the first turn-based-strategy-multiplayer games for the TI-83.
Here's what you get:
3 houses (Attreides, Ordos and Harkonnen)
9 different structures
10 different units
3 types of infantry
It won't be a fast game (Because it's written in basic) but it'll be fun!
I'm not sure when this game is completed, coz I have exams in a few months and I'm working on some other games as well.
<<< The Sims >>>
The Sims is one of my favourite PC games, so I started programming. I'm currently working on some other stuff, but it'll probaply feature the following:
4 Different houses
maximum of 4 sims
10 different jobs
10 levels of career
5 different speeds
25 different activities
and some other stuff
The game is currently about 40 % finnished. So there's no telling when the first release will be.
<<< Teacher gamez >>>
No, this is not a pack of educative gamez. It are gamez about my teachers. For example, my sience teacher (Really cool guy) love's to smake and drive his old Mercedes. So I created a game in wich you have to run dealers of lousy tabbaco over with a Mercedes (Looks like **** but it's fun :).
I'm still working on it.
8 February 2001, 20:56 GMT
Karel Ceusters
hello everybody, I'm working on the game Empires, you have to create an army and defeat the enemies, solve quests, and in the end find the holy grale.
If anyone plays or knows the on-line game Ambar - war of the elementals, the game will be much like that.
So far the base building is complete (it's text-based but I will make it graphical later) and you can allready build units. The fighting will be also graphical, like a turn based strategy.
But now I have a problem, I don't know how to mesure time, please tell me, I know it's possible because I have allready seen it in another game (but it was protected).
The game will be in Basic because I don't know anything about asm, I don't even know if it is a program or something, but I'd love to know, please help me!
21 February 2001, 21:27 GMT
We are creating AGE OF EMPIRES II, the AGE OF KINGS for the TI-83. So far we are still working out on how to put it together, but we really need more people! This program will be written in ASM, but will need a good, nice BASIC foundation. Here is a small list of what's going on:
-Designing maps
-Creating a test version
-Needing more people
-Trying to create graphics
-Needing more people
-Needing more people
-Writing out stuff from the original game
-Needing More people
-Creating the scrolling map
-Fixing the mouse
-Desigining the GAME's controller program
-Designing object directories
-Needing more people
-Creating the BASIC platform
Well, that's whats going on so far. We really need some more people to help out. If you are interested in helping out, and know somthing good, the E-MAIL at:
These are all the people we have:
-Myself Matthew
THAT'S IT! Well, if you want to see this game actually come out, then JOIN!
AOEII The Age of Kings
22 February 2001, 00:32 GMT

Want to join? It CAN be done. We are goin to sqish. But otherwise, there won't be all those maps in the original, just one interchangable one. We are going to use Ashell, so running the program can be done. I have estimated the size to be between 15 K, and 20K. So that leaves us with 7 extra K. This will be BIG, but not that big. I am working on extra memory chips for the TI-83. It would attach to the port, and be used a a HARD-DRIVE. I uses 10 memory chips, all from broken TI-83's, and the GUTS from one. The working calculator uses Z80 to talk to the other Z80 processor, and it tells it to STORE to XXXXXh, and so on. Sometimes it does not work, either a 2N2222 transistor, or somthing does not work. I don't know.
That's it!
27 February 2001, 01:24 GMT

Kings of Empires
I want you all to get a few things strait around here, so listen up:
-This game is now officially renamed: Kings of Empires
-This game is possible, it's getting closer to being finished.
-We now have 6 people, and expecting to get 3 more soon.
Ok, well, down to business...these are the following things that are going on:
-We need a person who can convert actuall graphics into SPRITE data.
-We are almost done with the game logic system.
-The AI is under construction, but to be finished soon.
-We have the BASIC foundation finished.
-We have our graphics drawn, but not in data form, they are really cool.
-Our team is now called: G-FORCE, so when you see that when some of your programs start, you will know it is good.
That sould be enough for one message...if you want to join G-FORCE, e-mail me at: einsteiniq200@hotmail.com
-We have a few good game ideas in mind.
Prepair yourselves...
2 May 2001, 00:36 GMT
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