Upcoming TI-83 Games
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Re: Upcoming TI-83 Games
Martijn van den Driest
I am very bizy whith programming a game like worms. I don't have screenshots jet but they are coming in a week or something.
11 April 2000, 20:10 GMT
My upcoming game
this just may be the best program I have ever written in Calculator basic. It is a model of the game shogo for pc but rather than attempting to make it 3d which Ive found to be slow and INTenSiVlY dissapointing I am making it a over head view. I have concocted an engine I have never seen before it uses a level creation file to create the level screens that will contain the graphics for the level. The advantage to this is that when you load a picture it is much faster than when you try to draw the level in-game.
What happens is between levels (or in between stages of the larger levels) the level loader detects what level the game is on and draws/saves all of the corresponding screens required for play. I had a lot of worries about giving away the levels surprises because you can see when the program draws the pictures. I was, however, pleasantly surprised that the level creator program is too fast for you to make out what is being drawn
as for speed I have not gotten much of the main movement engine done I have been too busy drawing the levels but all thats withing the loop is a getkey command the if thens and the character drawing (which I used creative text drawing to get to go faster) and I found that If I put the pxltest commands in the center of the border of the sprite I can for the most part get all collsions detected but hey its basic man you gotta have some give any way sorry to be so long but I just have so much new stuff in this game that its not possible to make it short.
15 April 2000, 08:44 GMT
W I N DO W S 2000
ryan ruert
(Web Page)
Hi! We are currently making a clone of the pc's windows 2000 operating system. It will be in asm with greyscale graphics coming from our silicon89 graphics team. We should have a demo on our site in a couple of days.
16 April 2000, 20:56 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Games
Trey Bryant
This isnt really a game but i am taking apart my playstation and "cross brading" it w/my 83. if anyone has tried this before please email me and tell me what to watch for. when i am finished i am going to put the instructions on my web page.
16 April 2000, 23:23 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Games
(Web Page)
the game ZELDA 2 was made and he said that you could not cheat. i have ill tell you in my webpage.
19 April 2000, 22:49 GMT
Chase HQ for BASIC
Psycho Mage
(Web Page)
I think I'm going to work on a version of the arcade classic Chase HQ for TI-83 BASIC. In the game, you are a high speed car chase specialist working outside the police. Where the police cannot catch a suspect, they call you to the job.
Your mission is to disable the other car and arrest the driver before somebody gets hurt. First, you have to catch up to the suspect in question. Then, you take your strong framed car and sideswipe the other car to cause their car damage and maybe run them off the road to damage them more. Your suspects may be armed, though - one of them will have just robbed an armory and will attack you with Stinger missiles! If you crash or take a hit, you will spin out and lose ground in the chase as the clock ticks away. Also, you must protect the innocent. If an innocent vehicle is harmed, by you or the suspect, you lose time.
A neat feature in this version of the game will be Nancy, the dispatcher. She will give you information on the suspect like the crime committed, the condition of the suspect (drunk, teenage, mentally ill, whatever) and some weapons the suspect may have. She will let you know if any innocents have been injured, and how far away you are from the suspect. She'll do all kinds of cool stuff, and will add a lot to the game.
It will feature Cruis'n USA and Agent 007 style driving, but the enemys launch verious attacks on you (Gattling gun, sticks of dynamite, Stinger missiles, and maybe a BFG 9000000) and you still have to avoid innocent cars. The road doesn't actually turn, but the road does wind from one side of the screen to the other, much like the infamous Drive games. That won't matter too much because the only turning you're responsible for is switching lanes and hitting the other car. It does affect the enemy, though, because it doesn't matter to him what the traffic laws are and isn't afraid of being in 2 lanes at once. You and the suspect will have life meters, and you only have a limited amount of time to disable the other vehicle.
I'd like too hear some more ideas for this game, like enemy bios or weapons or something. Lemme hear ya!
(Holy crap I wrote a lot!)
- PsychoMage
3 May 2000, 00:19 GMT
RPG problems
hi- am in process of building Dragon Warrior/FF1-3 (2d) rpg- have entire battle sequence running, working as an Arena. But, as I went to create the map, towns, plot, etc. I find that I use all 27 variable lettewrs (incl theta) and it takes up 2/3 of calc memory. Any ideas on shrinking this monster?
~~~Lord Aref Naa of Plinthu
5 May 2000, 05:23 GMT

Re: RPG problems
Ah. I, too, had this problem when working on my old RPG Dragon's Lair (scrapped for EliXar). Try this, use lists! You are also not limited to L1 through L5, but can name your own lists (up to 5 letters) in the same way you would name a program. Look it up in your manual. A handy tool!
Example : LSTATS{#ofHP, #ofTotalHP, #ofMP, #ofTotalMP, ETC.}
You can have unlimited lists!
Also interesting - strings. If you want the player to name his/her character, then use str1 through str0. Look this up as well, if you want to know more.
You really should read your TI-83 manual. No, not cover to cover. Skip the chapters on Par/Pol graphing, etc. Only read interesting chapters. Just time to time look something up!
~Jason R(StarSoft)
26 January 2001, 05:40 GMT
Dragon Warrior 83
Chris Brotzman
(Web Page)
As noted above, I, Chris Brotzman, am taking it upon myself to bring Dragon Warrior to the TI-83. While many may have tried, I will attempt to surpass them. You can go to the link above and download my first demo. A new demo with a few new features is expected to be completed shortly.
First I would like to note some of the inovations that will make this game possible. I have designed my own layout for the overworld map based off the original Alefgard. Each map was created using a custom map editor that I designed just for this project. My animated character 'sprite' (wihle not REALLY a sprite) will walk around the screen redrawing each fully pixel-drawn tile. So far the actual walking process is a little slow, I would appreciate any help (as long as your ideas don't suck) in improving this.
Having taken up all 10 picture flies on the TI-83, I have to find some other way to draw monsters on the TI-83 graph screen. This new technique I have independently devised, while basically simple, let's me draw pictures using pre-coded character strings. The character string are also coded using a custom program. This new devise (dubbed "ZELCH42's character string decimal sequencing pixel animation code") will be present in the upcoming demo.
Any new developements will be announced on the site above through a newsletter I am posting to people interested in the program. I offer this newsletter to anyone who wants it. I'll keep you updated when updates are up to date.
"Emptiness is the sudden realization of the universe, fulfillment is the sudden realization that you are alive."
-Chris Brotzman
-ZELCH42 (Yahoo/AOL Instant messagers handles)
8 May 2000, 05:44 GMT
Re: Zelda TI
Hello there. I am making a Zelda game for ASM. Oh.. wait a minute... I already did! :) . My internet connection is down and I am using a school computer, but Zelda TI will be up and on here in a week or so (I hope...). I've even played the game and bugtested it. It runs on ION v1.4 and up. So why am I posting this? My internet connection is down! Now back to my game...
*8 dungeons
*8 bosses (all different)
*12 enemies
*4 minibosses
*8 items
I hope you guys like it... if my connection doesn't come up I'll load it at a freind's house.
23 May 2000, 21:44 GMT
Mega Man III
Tadd Nuznov
(Web Page)
Hi. I'm working on a remake of MegaMan III for gameboy for the TI-83. It's going to be in ASM, and a demo might come out soon. Currently, I'm working on mapping out Shadow Man's level. This is going to be the best Mega Man game for the TI-83 ever!
30 May 2000, 19:41 GMT
Flight Simulator
Casey Turner
(Web Page)
I'm working on Flight Simulator for the ti-83. It is going to be based on the pc version by Microsoft. It has 3d graphics and textures. It has a Flight School to teach you how to fly. When you start the game you are in a Cessna 182S on Migg field in Chicago. You can take off and fly. Then you can turn around and land. In the future it will also include multiple airports, airplanes, and stunts. Should be released by midsummer. Go to my web site for more info and soon (tomorrow) screenshots.
1 June 2000, 20:43 GMT
Mines of Titan
Vince McGrath
I am about to start programming a game called Mines of Titan. does anybody remember this game on the PC?
12 June 2000, 05:36 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Games
Lue Her
I am starting a Pokemon clone than I will probably never finish like so many other PUD's. Anyone know how the attack routine works? Like taking the stats, putting into an equation and *BWAM*- you have the damage. I need to know!
20 June 2000, 22:56 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Games
I have been working on a role playing game for the TI-83 called The Legend of Vampyro for quite some time now. It is almost completed, and will have a huge world with at least 20 different monsters, 50 items, exceptional special effects...etc. However, I have run into a problem. I don't have enough memory left to complete it. I would only need about 5k more, but I don't think I can reduce the memory it takes up by that much without drasticly reducing the quality of the game. I have been trying to think of a solution to my problem, like maybe programing it in assembly language, but I don't really know anything about it. If anyone can help me figure out a way to reduce the amount of memory it takes up, or point me in the right direction to learn assembly language, I would really appreciate it.
14 August 2000, 09:22 GMT
Joel Holmqvist
ZChess - the name explains everything...
ZChess is going to be the bestlooking (my opinion) game of chess ever released for the TI-83.
In itīs first beta-release, which I hope will be next week or so, it will be very simple, one is just able to move pieces, but it will look good!
In the future I hope I will be able to force players to make only legal moves. Without that the program would be really bad.
I also hope I will get a AI-engine. But it will be hard to write one for the slow and tiny calculator.
16 August 2000, 19:12 GMT
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