Yes, I am an April Fool
No, you couldn't trick me
I didn't visit on 1 April and missed everything
Nick B is the fool!
Re: Did you really think would start with micro-payments?
I came ready 4 a sick joke-but if i could put programs on here i coulda benefited---
back to reality
i knew it was 4/1 and knew rightaway it was a joke---nice try Nick!!!
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3 April 2002, 18:50 GMT
Re: Did you really think would start with micro-payments?
You really had me going, until the post that said that there was no TICO stock...We got you there
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3 April 2002, 21:59 GMT
Re: Did you really think would start with micro-payments?
(Web Page)
the Fake news gave it away
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4 April 2002, 02:40 GMT
Re: Did you really think would start with micro-payments?
(Web Page)
I saw it was from Nick and discarded any fears of truth
don't get me wrong, it was funny, but you didn't have me fooled
It told me the date though;)
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4 April 2002, 05:11 GMT
Re: Did you really think would start with micro-payments?
Michael Chmutov
(Web Page)
Do such jokes get posted every year? Last year it was the banner thing, which actually did trick me.
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4 April 2002, 06:02 GMT
Re: TI-83 Plus RULES TI-82 & Down (including TI-85) sucks!
(Web Page)
Don't dis the 82! Meany-poo!
BASIC stinks, okay? That's all there is to it. Basic is slow, stupid, stupid, stupid, and did I mention stupid? It's only good for programming on the calc, without a computer, which is stupid, stupid... ASM IS BETTER SO BLAH!
It's okay, flame me, I don't care. This wasn't supposed to be a flame either, in case you took it that way. I just strongly prefer assembly over basic. Thank you for flying on no_one_2000_ airlines. The exits are in the back and front of the airplane. Thank you, and enjoy your stay at the no_one_2000_ hotel. Good bye! (see, I'm crazy!)
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4 April 2002, 23:26 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TI-83 Plus RULES TI-82 & Down (including TI-85) sucks!
technically, they haven't discontinued the 86. they still make it. but, they barely support it and everything they do has either 83+se or 89 plastered all over it. TI is, IMO, losing a lot of profit from the 86 they could make if they marketed it as a compromise between 89's functionality and 83's cost (unless you are talking about an se, which is as much as the 89). This could be even greater if they made an 86+, which could be nearly identical to the 86, but contain FLASH technology, which is basically the staple of the others.
But, if you meant they discontinued the 85, then you are correct.
question on 83+: people said a while ago that the 83+ is "upgradable." is this referring to the flash apps, or can you actually download a newer rom from ti and install it on your calc?
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17 April 2002, 00:49 GMT
TI-92 can have a plus module added. The TI-85 was replaced by the TI-86 which is being discontinued too.
Paul Schippnick
(Web Page)
Unless the TI-92 plug in Plus module has been discontiuned, the TI-92+ features can be added to the discontinued TI-92. The only thing the module doesn't add to the TI-92 is the darker and better contrast LCD, which the TI-92 Plus has and the TI-89 has. The module retails directly from the TI store for $75. Avaibality of this module, best I can tell been limited. I have not seen it listed on the TI store site. BTW, I have two TI-85 and one TI-86. There are a number of differences between the TI BASICs in these calculators. The TI-85 & TI-86 BASICs are case sensitive, whera as the TI-82, TI-83's,TI-92's and TI-89 BASICs are NOT case sensitive. So on the TI-85 and TI-86, the variables 'M' and 'm" would be different. Not so on the others. So tranfering a program from the TI-85 to the TI-92 can be a problem, where as the TI-82 to the TI-92 would not be as much work to transfer.
There are other differences. So like if the value of 10 is stored in variable C and the calculation 1/2C is done on the TI-85 or TI-82 you will get .050. Where as on the TI-86 and all the others you will get 5. There are differences.
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6 April 2002, 03:16 GMT
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