No, but I really wanted it...
I don't celebrate Christmas
I did however get an iPaq....
Now if someone would just write an emulator for the 86 for my iPaq....
mmmmmm...86 emulator for my iPaq.....mmmmmm
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27 December 2001, 17:04 GMT

Re: Re: Nope...
ummm...I paid $238.00. It is 16 level grayscale. It runs windows and I have a Palm emulator, currently in Beta, 16 mb upgradeable Fash ROM, 16 mb Flash RAM(internal), an expansion sleeve with a 128 mb Flash RAM card (expandable to at least 1 gb with a microdrive). The Palm is OK if all you're looking for is an organizer. I'm looking for more than that. I have an hours worth of mp3s on the card that play through my car stero (factory stero mind you) or my headphones in CD quality. I have four ebooks a Bible reader and three translations of the Bible.
All that said, have you ever used an iPaq? And I don't mean standing in Circuit City. Why would you just lash out at my Christmas present? All I am requesting is that the TI calc emulator start being expanded to the handheld devices. There are already good ones written for Windows. I know it is not the same Windows as on my hanheld, but there must be some similarities to allow it to be ported with some ease. That said, how about a cable and linking program to link my TI calc to my iPaq. Then I could take programs with me and put on what I want, when I want, where I want.
I respect your opinion, but please see where I am really headed with this. The opportunity is here. For ALL handhelds. Let's seize it...
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2 January 2002, 14:52 GMT
My TI-89 is so cool!
I go a brand-spankin'-new TI-89 for Christmas! I've played around with a friend's before so I know what it's capable of, but I'm still discovering new and cool things about it.
Now I don't have to bother my friend to test out the programs I write. Pretty soon my USB Graph-Link will arrive, and I'll be totally self-sufficient!
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27 December 2001, 20:40 GMT
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