Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
I would use an emulator but i cant find one that will work on the 83plus
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24 May 2001, 20:54 GMT
Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
Kerey Roper
(Web Page)
I don't know what I would do without VTI. My graphlink is only about .3m long (it broke and I fixed it with 1/2 a calc-calc) so it is a real pain to send stuff to my real calculator. Plus the revert to saved state feature really speeds up developement time.
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24 May 2001, 21:28 GMT
Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
I use my emulated calcs when I'm too lazy to get the real thing out of my schoolbag.
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25 May 2001, 00:41 GMT
Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
(Web Page)
Twenty-ninth comment!
I voted no for this, even though I'm an assembly programmer. I just don't like it. I trust my calculator more than I do the emulator because I can pick up my calculator and hold it and see how fast something is running or how badly it's crashing, and I think that's better. I do, however, have Virtual TI installed and the ROMs for all of my calculators are on it.
And a word to other's not exactly *legal* to distribute these ROMs, even if you intend to buy the calculator, etc. So this would not be a good place to discuss trading and downloading them. :)
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25 May 2001, 07:26 GMT
Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
Gergely Patai
(Web Page)
I use VTI quite often... It is simply impossible (well, at least very cumbersome) to make assembler programs without an emulator. As I don't have my own link cable, I have to use the emulator all the time.
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25 May 2001, 11:04 GMT
Problems with VTI
I have been having some very annoying problems with Virtual TI for the TI-83+ (ROM v1.12). The Mem Mgmt/Del menu doesn't work, and GarbageCollect hangs it. Also, VTI refuses to run ROM v1.13: I get a blank screen! Until someone posts another emulator that works better, I am stuck with TI's rattletrap Flash Simulator (which can't even load files!) Anyhow, if you use Virtual TI for too long, some of its most annoying idiosyncracies will likely surface.
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25 May 2001, 23:38 GMT
Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
Tim Nunes
I can't download the ROm image from my TI-86.
I have tried many things and none work.
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26 May 2001, 00:29 GMT
Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
I tried to load my ROM image from my 83+ with VTI, but it just doesn't work. I tried everything, if it worked, I would have voted "yes".
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26 May 2001, 03:15 GMT
Calculator forums
Ryan of NONYA Inc.
******************* ********************************
* Does anyone else out there think there should *
* be forums here to discuss various calc things? *
* IE: Shell-developers forum, TI82 BASIC, TI82 *
* ASM, TI83 BASIC...? And when are the most people *
* on IRC? *
****************** *********************************
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26 May 2001, 16:36 GMT
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