Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
Wow, a 100% no-vote.
I tried using VTI with my TI-89 ROM 2.05, but since I only have Pentium 133MHz it runs slower than the actual calculator. Does anyone know if there is a faster EMU for the 89 that will run under Windows 95?
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24 May 2001, 00:44 GMT
Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
Nathan Buda
(Web Page)
I would, but they are used mostly for assembly programming. When I get arround to learning that language, I'll probably use it very frequently for testing my programs. Iwouldn't want to loose my valuable calculator information. ;)
--Nate Buda
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24 May 2001, 00:49 GMT
Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
I only use one, when i'm either testing in asm, or programming for a calc i don't have(actually i'm planning on buying it, i just havn't yet)
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24 May 2001, 01:03 GMT
Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
If you want my opinion, calc emulators defeat the whole purpose behind graphing calcs. I tried using VTI instead of buying a TI89, but I got so frustrated with the fact that I had to be at the computer and I had to either click on the little buttons or memorize the keyboard that I broke down and got a real 89. Granted, they're nice for testing programs, but it's not that big a deal. When I test a program, I just backup my calc first.
These 2 cents brought to you by BL Alien
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24 May 2001, 01:35 GMT
Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
(Web Page)
can somebody explain to em how to get the ROM onto the computer all the dumpit prgrams i use dont work
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24 May 2001, 01:57 GMT
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