Work in courses or study programmes I attend where it is required.
Work in courses or study programmes I attend where it is optional.
Games, games, games!
Scientific learning and experiments in my own time.
Testing and debugging my own programs.
I don't own or use a calculator at all.
Re: What do you use your calculator the most for?
Pim Huijsmans
I had to buy ti83 for school, but i soon discovered programming, and scince i don't make homework for math i can spend all time in math class programming (and of course playing games). Recently i am most interested in programming bij z80 codes on my calc. Next week i will receive the Graph-Link i ordered, so i can finally start some "real programming". At the moment i am the best programmer in my form (not only because it is a small school) and i guess i will remain so since all those other kids spend all their time on homework. I will do that next year perhaps scince i will have to redo this class.
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11 March 2001, 20:40 GMT
Re: What do you use your calculator the most for?
i dont understand why someone without a calculator at all would visit this site...
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11 March 2001, 22:37 GMT
Re: What do you use your calculator the most for?
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12 March 2001, 01:40 GMT
Re: What do you use your calculator the most for?
Okay, I use it mostly for required things in school. I rarely have time for playing games or programming except when I'm at home. But then, I have a computer. I can write in C and do other stuff like go online. (why I'm posting this) So, I mainly use my calc during classes and homework, especially for MATH A. I sometimes use it for games during trips and stuff, but more often than not, I have to use it for school. Isn't that debate above between the 89 and 92+ a little off the subject??
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13 March 2001, 02:35 GMT
Re: What do you use your calculator the most for?
I initially got an 83 for my Algebra 1 class in 1996. I used it for games, games, games, and a little homework. Now, I have an 89 and I used it for games for approximately 3 weeks before the link port broke (kinda like my 83; those cheam pieces of crap). Since my math teacher: 1. Made us install AMS v2.05 and Stats/List Editor and 2. Deleted all games people had, I don't have any games and can't get any except for the crappy little things that I put together. Does anyone know how I can replace my link port so I can get some programs (particularly Assembly)?
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15 March 2001, 02:11 GMT
Re: What do you use your calculator the most for?
Okay, this survey was posted on February 22, it is now March 16. This survey is just too old. We need a new one!
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17 March 2001, 01:01 GMT
Re: What do you use your calculator the most for?
Can you say "New survey"? Wee need a new one, this one has been here for about 23 days. Respond if you think we need a new survey.
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17 March 2001, 23:42 GMT
Re: What do you use your calculator the most for?
I have no idea what the deal is with all you people that use a calculator! *evil grin* I break out the laptop for all my game playing and number crunching needs.
And on the exams where I am, calculators aren't allowed at all. I am working on my Master's in computer science and all the professors are aware of what those pesky TI's are capable of, so we have to do everything manually unless it is a really math intensive class where in most cases, anything you put on your calculator won't help you! LOL!
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18 March 2001, 00:45 GMT
Re: What do you use your calculator the most for?
I have a TI-83 (Half the school does) and I use it for almost anything.
Of course, I use it mostly to create and play games. (The teacher hate that). But I also use it to calculate stuff ("The TI-83 is designed to calculate, not to play games." says every teacher). And of course, it comes in really handy at tests. You just type in everything you need to know and tada!!! Another well made test. And the best part is, according our law, you don't have to empty your calc when you have exams :) (THE NETHERLANDS RULE!!!!!). The government appperently doesn't reallize you can make notes in your calc. Luckily, I do hehehe :)
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19 March 2001, 21:27 GMT
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