Work in courses or study programmes I attend where it is required.
Work in courses or study programmes I attend where it is optional.
Games, games, games!
Scientific learning and experiments in my own time.
Testing and debugging my own programs.
I don't own or use a calculator at all.
Re: What do you use your calculator the most for?
I bought it for work - maths.
I then found out about programming, and i got hooked.
This year I found I could actually get a link, well make one. This was really frustrating cos it took three visits to Maplin's to get the right stuff. That's a 30 mile journey, but that's off the subject.
Now I use the calc for all my lessons.
I also play the odd game.
My greatest love of the calc is still programming, I am learning asm now.
Any one know a good site to learn asm.
Any one know the web site for the Ash Programme
Reply to this comment
28 February 2001, 16:15 GMT
Re: What do you use your calculator the most for?
(Web Page)
I use mine for math in class (no games), programming when I have time, and games on airplane trips and in airports (big traveller here).
Lately, the port on my calculator has gone bad, and I'll need to take it apart to fix it :(.
When I get a new computer, I'm gonna use an emulator for faster development.
I also program C++ for computers.
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2 March 2001, 04:09 GMT
Re: What do you use your calculator the most for?
John Doe
I use the calc. to write and test my programs. But you know what sucks?!? On Monday someone stole my TI-89 from me. And I had hust finished a major update to THE WARZONE. You know, I added save game, great scenarios, bug fixes, and whole other surprises which I don't want to make public yet. (After I reprogram it I'll upload it--> 2 weeks - a month from now maybe)It was revolutionary stuff for Calc. Strategy gaming. A damn shame. And I was planning to upload it and save it on my computer on that afternoon. So to all Calc. owners. Take care of your TI, because you never know when someone will steal it.
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3 March 2001, 05:19 GMT
Keith Raney
I use my Ti-86 for Math in math class (Algebra II, I'm only a sophomore), but in other classes, it provides as a handy entertainment tool. By the way, I just got my 86, and I'm still not farmiliar with what is "normal" on it. Could someone enlighten me as to which shells, games, manipulation, and administration tools are "standard" for an 86? Anyone? Thanx, I would appreciate it, like I said, I'm new to it :P
Keith Raney
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3 March 2001, 06:06 GMT
Re: What do you use your calculator the most for?
(Web Page)
I just use my calc for programming and of course during the math lessons. :P
Martin Johansson
xCoderz Software
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3 March 2001, 21:16 GMT
Re: What do you use your calculator the most for?
Noah Mink
(Web Page)
In my school, you need a calc for math class and I think Physics and maybe Chemistry (I haven't taken those yet, so I don't know). Anyway, most girls use theirs for math or Tetris (the only game they have) while the guys use ours for math, but many for other games. A few of us are programmers, some better than others (ahem, Jason Ho)...anyway, in conclusion, we use them for well, everything.
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4 March 2001, 06:53 GMT
Re: What do you use your calculator the most for?
most people would rather program then just sit around all day and do nothing with their calculator. like many other people, i enjoy programming my calculator and debugging the programs.(i pity those who don't use their calculators at all.)
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4 March 2001, 23:30 GMT
Re: What do you use your calculator the most for?
Wouter v.d. Put
(Web Page)
I use my TI-92+ for programming and math, I don't use it at school many times, because it's a bit expensive. I'm not allowed to use it at tests, because not everybody on my school has one(nobody), we all use a TI-83.
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6 March 2001, 10:48 GMT
Games Forever!
Dude, ever since I got this link, my calculator has been all about games and more games. That's the most important function of the calc besides helping me survive Pre-Cal.
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8 March 2001, 04:53 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Games Forever!
Okay, I admit, English is pointless (we speak the language, why should we have to take a class on it?), but I find some history very interesting (as long as it's about war). Other history, like social history for example, is boring. I just don't risk having my calc confiscated in those classes. However, if we finish something early, and there isn't time to read (another of my passions), I play a quick game of Avalanche, Falldown, or start a new game of Phoenix. That rarely happens though. Believe me, the risk of confiscation is real! (at least at my school). I was inputting homework assignments into my on-calc organizer, and it got taken away! I didn't get it back for a week, when I told my teacher what I was doing (she's extemely intimidating). Teachers always think you are playing games if they see a calculator out.
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15 March 2001, 01:55 GMT
Re: What do you use your calculator the most for?
I think it's kinda pathetic how many people voted for "Games! Games! Games!".
Something else: This survey has been running for too long, we need a new one.
Reply to this comment
9 March 2001, 23:27 GMT
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