Yes, I'm subscribed.
Yes, I read it from the web archives.
No, but I'm subscribed.
No, and I'm not subscribed.
Re: Do you read the newsletter?
Ben Ilegbodu
(Web Page)
I used to subscribe to TI-BASIC, I think it was called. I decided to unsubscribe because the stuff they were talking about wouldn't work on my calculator and also I'd get replies from other people to topics and stuff. I really just turned into junk mail that I deleted every time I saw in my mailbox. If they had something like a TI-83(+) BASIC newsletter, I might subscribe to that. The newsletters, I think are too general.
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1 January 2001, 10:09 GMT
Re: Do you read the newsletter?
I don't read it.... where do u subscribe... what does it talk about?? ASM? BASIC? Or other programs?
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1 January 2001, 04:38 GMT
Re: Do you read the newsletter?
Ryan M
"I didn't know there was a newsletter..."
Same here, but I'm already subscribed to several newsletters/mailing lists, so I think I'll stick out of this one (I think I have 4... for some that's a lot, and for some that's nothing, but it's a lot for me.)
Also, I'm interested in learning basic, but I don't have the time to, and I don't have the patience to read a book about it. (Maybe one day I can read the book my brother read oh so long ago...) Anyway, any suggestions? I'm an addict to everything and anything that I touch, and therefore if I start programming games, I might make some really good ones to spread around. I am not a regular posting-person, so if I don't get an automatic email reminder, just email me a copy or a reminder that I got a reply at Thanks guys, and have a happy and healthy 2001.
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1 January 2001, 05:28 GMT
Re: Do you read the newsletter?
Ed Fry
(Web Page)
I read it but I dont subscribe to it.
I mean, Why subscribe to it when i can read it on the site the second it comes out and it probably looks a lot better on the site than in the E-mail?
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3 January 2001, 05:15 GMT
Re: Do you read the newsletter?
I come here to download games, sometimes math/science programs for a test. What would I need a newsletter for?
Reply to this comment
5 January 2001, 23:46 GMT
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