I don't own a calculator.
Hmm, my calculator seems to have negative memory free.
Re: How much of your calculator\'s memory is devoted to games?
Robert Maresh
(Web Page)
Hmm... I was one of those who voted with 0% of my calc's memory with games! I am such a programming geek, I spend all my time hacking my TI-83 Plus, or programming it, and I never play any games. Oh well...
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28 November 2000, 05:44 GMT
Re: How much of your calculator\'s memory is devoted to games?
54,085 bytes used up total by games, including strings. Out of 98,226 for my 86 (I know, I could get more, with the memory x-pander thingy program by Kirk Myer, but I choose not to run the risk, with Chrsmac crashing my calc), which makes about 55.0617962658% to games. However, the option "Hmm, I seem to have negative memory" also applies to me, because another 46.4683485024% is for other at 45644b, and 8441b, or 8.5934477633$ is free. Sad, ain't it(Not really:)
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28 November 2000, 06:08 GMT
Re: How much of your calculator\'s memory is devoted to games?
I seem to have my 82 full of works in progress, however, I always fill the memory of my 92, because the games look alot better, and they usually take longer to beat. I am getting an 89 in less than a week, I can't wait!! Also, check out my program Crypt for the 82 and the 92. I am working on a version in Z80 assembly but I could use help not screwing up the VAT. If someone who knows alot about accessing external variables could email me I'd appreciate it.
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28 November 2000, 14:10 GMT
Re: How much of your calculator\'s memory is devoted to games?
(Web Page)
Most of my memory is devoted to games and apps programs which are in current development. Homework use is a side-effect of this. But to tell the truth, the only reason I have the calc (a Ti 83+) is for programming.
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28 November 2000, 14:13 GMT
Very little.
On my 83/83+, a large portion of the memory is devoted to programs, not games. There are periodic tables and various math/science programs I use daily.
The memory on a V2.05 89 is large enough(174K RAM, 720K usable flash ROM) I don't see how anyone but a true gaming/programming fanatic could fill more than 25% or so and actually regularly use all of the programs.
My policy with calculators is very simple. If I use it or work on it at least several times a week, it stays on my calculator. If I don't use it very often, it goes on my computer until I need or want it.
Knight/Rocket's 2 memory saving, battery conserving cents.
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28 November 2000, 16:22 GMT

Re: Re: periodic table
The table was called something like 89periodic, and I need to change it because it basically has no really useful information, only number, mass, and numbers of prtons/neutrons. The periodic table I made for the 83/83+ has far more, including mass,symbol, valence, and oxidation states.
I am just working to make it a little more comprehensive, though it is now basically just a port of my periodic table to the 89.
Knight/Rocket's 6th disk of cupric/zincate alloy.
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29 November 2000, 15:58 GMT
Re: How much of your calculator\'s memory is devoted to games?
alex cooke
since i take my 89 and 92+ to school, i make my 89 my game calc, since it has a plethora of available games, and i make the 92 + my info calc, ptting ebooks, and school stuff on it.
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28 November 2000, 18:25 GMT
Re: How much of your calculator's memory is devoted to games?
Rob Sowby
(Web Page)
My Ion game package takes up 20k, but I don't play games very often. I'm more interested in learning stuff, but games are fun, too :)
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29 November 2000, 00:10 GMT
Re: How much of your calculator\'s memory is devoted to games?
(Web Page)
On my HW1 89 I use up all the archive mem and all but maybe 100k normal RAM. I have all the programs on my program archive on my website on my calc, which is mostly games. I also occasionally write some little BASIC programs on my calc, like a base converter I was working on.
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29 November 2000, 00:11 GMT
Re: How much of your calculator\'s memory is devoted to games?
dan niezgocki
(Web Page)
I have about 25% games, primarily programs fill up my calc along with projects im working on.
Granted i do play SMA occaisonally, but only when I have enough mem to store it on my calc, if i run otta space, there it goes...
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29 November 2000, 00:46 GMT
Re: How much of your calculator\'s memory is devoted to games?
Ryan of NONYA Inc.
25% number 46! Yeah! I broke the tie between 25% and 75%!
The only games I have are a stupid guess-a-number game I wrote and Solitare. It isn't so overwelming that I can't hear the teacher.
I like to use my calc mainly for just stuff. Kinda like an orginizer, except that I can customize it!
Pretty cool, huh?
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29 November 2000, 01:26 GMT

Re: Re: How much of your calculator\'s memory is devoted to games?
(Web Page)
i honestly don't know what i'd do if my 89 died (*shudder* *shudder*). i use it for games, taking notes, keeping track of homework, writing rants, reading ebooks, math (of course...its a calculator after all), and...well...that's about it. its even more useful to me than my friend's palm vx is to him, and he also has an 89. i personally would probably have gone with a palm pilot and a 60GB hd for my next computer, but that's just me, who still doesn't comprehend this 'life' thing i keep hearing about:/
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9 December 2000, 05:31 GMT
Re: How much of your calculator's memory is devoted to games?
(Web Page)
Does that include flash?
BTW my mail is, that's an error
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29 November 2000, 02:57 GMT
Re: How much of your calculator\'s memory is devoted to games?
Most of them I never play though... I have a lot of space taken by various math progs (Algebra Toolbox for 86, and a few others I write as needed). I also have a chess game I'm working on (adapted from someone else's, with his permission). I redid the draw piece thing, added save/load game, setup board, castling, and working on move checking--all in basic.
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29 November 2000, 04:16 GMT
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