What TI calculator?
Parents (or Guardians) bought
Part-time job.
Full-time job.

Long-term borrowing. Stealing isn't wrong, honest.
Re: How did you finance your TI calculator purchase?
In Denmark the state pays the pupils to go to school (if you 18 or older) so I used the money I got from the state to buy my TI-89.
Really a great system...getting paid to study:)
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13 November 2000, 13:38 GMT
Theft? Never happen.
I feel sorry for people who get calculators stolen. At my high school, if you ever stole anything from someone, they would just pound you and take it back. So stealing items was not a viable option.
Now in college, there is no such code of honor, and if you like your calc, keep it on you at all times. Even when getting up to retrieve something from a printer, people take their backpacks with them, just to keep an eye on their things.
I have only heard of one calc being stolen this year, and that was when the fool left it on the desk in math and forgot it. Gee...wonder where it went?
In short, guard your calc with your life, your heart, your mind and your sacred honor. That shiny new 89 looks good now, but someone is thinking it would look better in their backpack.
Knight/Rocket's 2/12.5 bits.
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13 November 2000, 20:22 GMT
Re: How did you finance your TI calculator purchase?
(Web Page)
I first got my 83 in 6th grade for my birthday. In seventh grade, we went to Circuit City and I spent about 15 minutes begging my dad to buy a TI-86. After naming several reasons, he bought it. Then, I got my TI-89 in 8th grade for Christmas. Now I'm in 9th grade and don't plan to get another. Gee...... isn't the TI-89 just GREAT in Algebra 2?? :)
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13 November 2000, 23:20 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How did you finance your TI calculator purchase?
(Web Page)
Algebra 2 in 9th grade is NOT 2 years ahead in math. The only one of you that is really ahead (as compared to above average in the schools [yes schoolS, see below] I go to is the Matt A up there that took Pre-Calc in 9th.
I took Pre-Algebra in 6th, but it was pretty much the same course as the Algebra 1 I have helped friends with. The teacher let us go at our own speed, so I was done half-way through the year. So in 7th grade they put me in Geometry. I was the top grade in my class of 8th and 9th graders 3 out of 4 quarters. In 8th grade I took Algebra 2, and was top grade all 4 quarters. This year has been a pain though. I'm taking Pre-calculus, which is only available at the high school (9th grade is still at the Junior High here), so I go to two schools (I go back to junior high after I take math at the high school). I was the top grade in my class 1st quarter this year. Also, because of a schedule conflict of going to two schools, I have to take 2 classes at the high school, so I'm also taking A.P. Computer Science (of which I easily know more than the teacher, he's a dimwit). Next year I'm taking A.P. Calculus BC. The BC is where I have Matt A beat; he is only taking AB, the easier of the two.
Just so I'm halfway on the main topic, I got my 89 in 7th grade with my own money I made from fixing peoples computers.
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16 November 2000, 00:31 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How did you finance your TI calculator purchase?
(Web Page)
Actually, yes it is. In our school district, Algebra I is the primary course for 9th grade.
I took Algebra I in 7th, Geometry in 8th, and am in Algebra II now in 9th (all honors, and top average too :)
So, maybe your courses are arranged differently in your district. The order ours is in is pre-algebra, Aalgebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, pre-cal, cal, statistics.
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17 November 2000, 00:42 GMT
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