More than half.
Less than half.
Nearly zero.

I don't go to school.
My school has no calculators.
Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
I have only seen only a few hp calculators in my day and never seen any one use a casio. At the high school I went to you were laughed (in some circles) if you had anything else than a TI.
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1 November 2000, 23:18 GMT
Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
(Web Page)
Everyone in my school has TI calcs, except mb a few have some scientific ones made by other people, but graphing calc wise, all TI.
The school has a bunch of 82's, 83+'s, and i think some calc classes have 89's.
They tell you to get a 82 or 83, they mean 83 plus but they are all idiots.
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1 November 2000, 23:22 GMT
Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
Vasantha Crabb
(Web Page)
At my university, the graphing calculator market is dominated by TI, although there are a few Casio and Sharp graphics calculators around, and me and my friends are all ordering HPs (we already have TIs which got us through high school, but for engineering, the HP really is better). However, the scientific calculator market is dominated by Casio, with almost no other calcs to be seen, except the occasional Sharp.
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1 November 2000, 23:22 GMT
Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
(Web Page)
In my school, only the people in gifted programs and honors classes own them. I am proud to be one of them. (Patriotic music)
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1 November 2000, 23:36 GMT
Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
Samir Ribic
(Web Page)
When I was student, (about 1989, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina) I was known on my University department as a big fan of Casio FX-8000. I also remarked that most of other students followed me, and Casio was dominant. Only a few had HP-28S and later HP-48SX.
After I discovered TI89 I definitely decided to buy it. Now, when I became University lecturer, during examinations, I remark that many students have TI calculators, although some of them do not know how powerfull tool they have!
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2 November 2000, 00:20 GMT
Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
Dima Martynyuk
Why would you buy at Ti-92? Its the same calc as an 89 only with a huge useless keyboard which is never allowed on tests. Any of the 83s are sooo inferior to the 86 which is only $10 more than they are and is more than adequate in Calc 2 (I take it as a junior). I also want to get some money to get an 89.
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2 November 2000, 01:43 GMT
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