F :(
I'm not in school anymore.
Re: Rounded to the nearest letter grade, what\'s your cumulative grade point average?
(Web Page)
I have been home schooled my whole life. I am a grade ahead ( I'm 16 and I'll raduate high school this year) And for the first time I am taking classes at the local Community College. The Spanish class is killing me (I don't study) and the Pre-Clalc class is boring me (I don't study that either I know everything so far.) This really has no relevance to much but I thought I would share it.
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24 October 2000, 21:14 GMT
Re: Jesus Christopher!!
Danm look at all these nerds...I'm glad i'm not a nerd anymore. Yep, Yep i was a nerd at a point of time too. I remember it like it was yesterday.....Sitting in honors classes not paying attention, programming games for the 82....Danm the ti-82...that was back in the day when the 82 was the shiznit. Now i'm out of school and still programming games for the 82...i mean 89...(clearing throat)
I have no idea how i made it through 5 years of honors classes. Finnally I graduated with a 2.7!!! Whoo Hoo!! In my final years (11th),(12th) I was a total slacker, now i'm killing people and robbing banks for drug money. (just kidding, then again maybe not).
Well theres my whole life in a nut shell.
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25 October 2000, 09:55 GMT
Re: Rounded to the nearest letter grade, what\'s your cumulative grade point average?
(Web Page)
All you guys are so lucky. In the DoDDS (army school in Germany) school I'm in there is only 1 real AP class offered. There are a couple others offered, but they all work through the DoDDS distance learning program (more information: )Right now I'm taking AP English as a Junior (that's the only AP class) and AP German through distance learning, so that's the only AP classes I'm taking.
The reason my school doesn't have any other honors/AP classes is because it is so small (less then 200 people, 7-12 grade). Take for example my AP English class: we have only 12 people and that's 11th and 12th grade.
The distace learning program isn't very popular either. There are only three classes being taken through it in my entire school and I'm taking two (AP German and C++ Programming).
So this pretty much limits me to getting a 4.2, although it looks like I'm getting a 4.1 this quarter since AP English isn't very easy (only one A right now)
BTW: My GPA for the AP classes do get 5 points, while all other classes get 4 points.
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25 October 2000, 20:20 GMT
Re: Rounded to the nearest letter grade, what\'s your cumulative grade point average?
(Web Page)
Of course, we are all nerds.
I have an A, but that is the calm before the storm, I am about to transfer out of no work classes into French and Algebra B so this could be unpleasent.
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26 October 2000, 12:30 GMT
Re: Rounded to the nearest letter grade, what\'s your cumulative grade point average?
Chris Coffin
Hey, I'm proud of myself. City record for lowest GPA ever at 0.0...yay!!! (...I guess I spent too much time on my old pathetic 83+)
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27 October 2000, 00:29 GMT
Re: Rounded to the nearest letter grade, what\'s your cumulative grade point average?
(Web Page)
Hey, I made a really good program that keeps trak of your grades in all of your classes. You can view points and total points, average, cumulative average, and it has a good interface screen to enter your grade. If you are interested send me the name of your classes and I will make a personalized grade keeper for you.
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27 October 2000, 03:05 GMT
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