F :(
I'm not in school anymore.
2 bee or nit 2 bee
I have doller. Doller buy me fud. Cukie is fud. Teacher give me cukie! Therefores school is doller! Teacher say 'A cookie stupid'. I have 'A'. Cokie stupids r my favorites flaver.
This is retard for "I go to private school, all my friends who go to public school know nothing and seem to be proud of it". The begining metaphor in this retard text is bringing a more metaphysical approach to the situation. If ones position in life deems thier education to be either ill recieved, ill suited, or just ill, then it's not thier fault. =) Peace.
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24 October 2000, 03:07 GMT
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?
My one teacher, Mrs. Charbonneau(Charby) has lost her mind, or never had it, I don't know which. She should be punished for inciting rebellions in the student body. But enough about me, how is everyone doing out there in radioland? If life ever gets you down, just think, where would you be without legs. Probably stumbling around on your hands trying to drive to school. No offense to handicaps, they are awesome and never have weight problems. Stay off the crack, and you'll be AOK. Go Skizaks!
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24 October 2000, 03:14 GMT
Re: Rounded to the nearest letter grade, what\'s your cumulative grade point average?
The odds of there being anyone that is below a C in this group of people are not that good. Face it, most of the users here are smart and the fact that we're using a high tech tool for our education shows that. Many of the users here are the classic 80's term 'nerds'. If TICALC were to run a poll on what your planning or are majoring in college I would bet 80% would say some form of engineering. Asking what the users of this site grade is, would be like asking what religion you are in utah.
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24 October 2000, 05:24 GMT
Re: Rounded to the nearest letter grade, what\'s your cumulative grade point average?
Samir Ribic
(Web Page)
What a stupid question! Schoolmarkings are so different in different countries, even in different schools in the same country.
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24 October 2000, 08:59 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Rounded to the nearest letter grade, what\'s your cumulative grade point average?
Sebastian Reichelt
(Web Page)
American Understatement? ;-)
I wouldn't say the USA are just a county. At least it would surprise me. After all, they are pretty big. :-)
I guess you know what I mean. I hope this will help you understand Samir Ribic's statement a little better. And yes, I do agree that you can't compare the systems that different countries use to calculate grades.
For example, in Germany, in 11th through 13th grade, we get numbers from 0 to 15, where 15 equals a "1+" grade (the best, would be "A+" if it existed), 14 equals a "1" ("A" in the US), the 1-, 2+, 2, 2-, and so on. You can't compare them to US grades, though, because "5" (with -/+) exists, but "5+" is already "failed." However, you can make up for it with another grade, at least up to 10th grade. I don't know exactly; I've never gotten anything below a "4+". There are tables you can compare US and German grades with, but they are very inaccurate.
I don't even know my grades of this quarter yet. We get them next Monday.
BTW: I thought was located in Sweden.
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24 October 2000, 22:48 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Rounded to the nearest letter grade, what\'s your cumulative grade point average?
Sebastian Reichelt
(Web Page)
> no seriously, i think the German grading scale is better than the US grading scale
I liked the percentages they used when I was in the US last year. Curves are sort of stupid sometimes, especially when you get curved down because your grade doesn't exist. I had a 150 on the computer science midterm, and it was curved down to 100. All the others were curved up (e.g. 90 to 100, and something like 65 to 80!) BTW: My final GPA was a 94.
> i think an 83.7 is something like a 2
That sounds reasonable. It depends on the school you're in, though. In Germany, there are three different school levels, and what you said is probably true for the highest level, and it would equal a 1 in the next level.
What I really hated about grades were those computer sheets coming in the mail. They made me feel like I really was just a number.
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25 October 2000, 18:10 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Rounded to the nearest letter grade, what\'s your cumulative grade point average?
Kenneth Johnson
YES!! i agree completely. grade curving sucks if you have a high grade, but if you have a really low grade, then it kicks booty. for example: <throws two peace signs up like Richard Nixon> recently, my AP Biology class took a test over molecular compounds and energy synthesis and the like. only 2 people passed. when the grades were curved, everybody was happy except for the passing people, and everything was juuuuuuuust PEACHY! anyway, i was quite happy because i got a 61 with the curve, which would have been a 41 without it. to clear up any misconseptions, a 61 at my school is still a failing grade, but it is a lot better than a 41.
as to the computer sheets, that is so true. it's all impersonal because it's "cost effective for the school board." i remember back in the day in grade school when the report cards were written out by hand...
btw, where did you stay in the U.S.?
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26 October 2000, 03:10 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Rounded to the nearest letter grade, what\'s your cumulative grade point average?
Daniel Bishop
(Web Page)
No, I meant "county," i.e., a small administrative district within a state. That is, the high schools just a few kilometers away from mine all had vastly different GPA scales. In Harris County, Texas, there are 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, and even 12.0 scales. That accounts for only about 1% of U.S. schools.
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25 October 2000, 04:19 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Rounded to the nearest letter grade, what\'s your cumulative grade point average?
He could be referring to his first year in College, but for your information, the USA has one of the most lenient education systems in the world. I think it's because most countries include their home language, English, and another language, but since English IS the home language here, it negates the need for a class. But there's another reason. Sorry if I sound snobby, but there is a flaw with the ideal "Land of the Free, Government Holds Your Hand Through Life" type country (no, I'm not talking about Communism). The problem is that American citizens are beginning to get a little lazy, and many people think they can rely on unemployment insurance and taxes to get through life. Fortunately, this is a huge minority. Also, even though I think this is present in all humans, it seems that many American authority figures (including teachers and principals) run too much on emotion and not enough on truth. For example, if you say something crude to your English teacher's daughter, she'll probably give you an F on your next essay. That may be a little extreme, but you know what I mean, right?
Oops, I'm ranting again. Goodbye!
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27 October 2000, 06:22 GMT
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