F :(
I'm not in school anymore.
Re: Rounded to the nearest letter grade, what\'s your cumulative grade point average?
Mine rounds to an F :( but I lied and put an A so everyone would like me. You like me now, right guys? right?
Reply to this comment
24 October 2000, 00:17 GMT
Re: Rounded to the nearest letter grade, what\'s your cumulative grade point average?
I got a B average for my high school career. Thats pretty good for someone that never studied or did homework but I do have to say now that I'm in college I wish I would have learn those skills.
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24 October 2000, 00:23 GMT
Re: Rounded to the nearest letter grade, what\'s your cumulative grade point average?
I have a 5.2 GPA, but I used my calculator for EVERYTHING, including calculating my GPA, tee hee. My teachers are not the observant type :P No, JK, I didn't cheat, I just have no life :)
BL Alien, he who spends his free time studying for the Gym test
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24 October 2000, 00:37 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Rounded to the nearest letter grade, what\'s your cumulative grade point average?
Ok, this is how our grades work. We have four types of classes: AP, Honor's, Regular, and Basic. I can't get into AP since it's just for seniors and I'm a freshman, so I got into all Honor's classes. Honor's classes grade like this:
A - 5.5
B - 4.5
C - 3.5
D - 2.5
E - 1 (don't ask)
F - 0
AP is what I just said plus .5, so an AP A is a 6.0, B is 5.0, and so on. A regular A is 5.0, a B is 4.0, and so on. A basic A is 4.5, a B is 3.5, and so on. I have five A's and two B's, and that averages out to 5.2 Simple, right?
PS: Just got one of my grades up to an A, so that's a 5.4 now. Just one more to go...
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24 October 2000, 23:44 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Rounded to the nearest letter grade, what\'s your cumulative grade point average?
Daniel Bishop
(Web Page)
Actually it's C++/Java, but it would also be a valid C program if the // comment was changed to /* */.
However, it's really irrelevant, as I intended this code not as part of a computer program but as a more concise way to decribe the DPHS grading scale. I could have written:
* Grade points are determined by both the semester average (0-100 scale) and the course level.
* There are 3 course levels offered.
* The maximum GP in an honors-level course (i.e. any PAP or AP course, third or higher year of a foreign language, or any college course) is 6.0. (This requires a 100; any old A won't do.)
* The maximum GP in an average-level course is 5.0. (i.e., there is either a 1 GP bonus per honors course or a 1 GP penalty per regular course, depending on how you look at it.)
* The maximum GP in an "alternate" (i.e., special ed) course is 4.0. (Before 1997, it was 3.0. I suppose the administration needed a way to boost the retards' self esteem.)
* Each point on your semester average is worth 0.1 GP. A 98 in an honors course is a 5.8, a 95 in an regular course is a 4.5, etc. Note that this system places little emphasis on letter grades because the difference between an 89 (B) and a 90 (A) is exactly the same as any other one-point difference.
* However, letter grades are still used for other purposes, and they are A (90-100), B (80-89), C (70-79), and F (0-69). D (60-69) is used only for honors courses. If you earn a 'D' in an honors class, you will not receive credit for the course but can remain eligible for extracurricular activities.
* Failing grades (0-69) are worth NO grade points, regardless of the level.
The same information (and a little more), but no computer code.
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25 October 2000, 18:11 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Rounded to the nearest letter grade, what\'s your cumulative grade point average?
Daniel Bishop
(Web Page)
I'm assuming that the constants HONORS, AVERAGE, and ALTERNATE had previously been defined with a #define, const int, or final int statement.
The way I wrote it, "fallthrough" isn't an issue because the return statement has the same effect as a break (except that it breaks from the whole function, not just the switch() block).
btw, a more efficient way to write that is:
const int HONORS = 40;
const int AVERAGE = 50;
const int ALTERNATE = 60;
float GP(int grade, int level)
if (grade < 70) return 0.0;
else return 0.1 * (grade - level);
Reply to this comment
29 October 2000, 02:00 GMT
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