It should stay the same.
Users should nominate the finalists.
It should be terminated.
I have no opinion.
Re: What do you think should be the future of the POTM?
Ed Fry
(Web Page)
I voted for "Nominate the Finalists" simply because it's not working in its current form and when it was done via a nomination system, it did work. If it stays in it's current form then it should be terminated because its an absolute joke in its current form.
As always. click on the web page link to see how I think it should be done.
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6 October 2000, 00:12 GMT
Re: What do you think should be the future of the POTM?
(Web Page)
I think the users should nominate for POTM. By the way, all you TI-89 C and ASM programmers out there... Have you joined my community? It is a great place to share information, tips, and even programs if you wish. Come and sign up! The link is above (under my name).
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6 October 2000, 00:21 GMT
Re: What do you think should be the future of the POTM?
I think that users should only be allowed to vote for programs only on calculators they own. I wonder how many people cast their vote for an 86 program without actually testing it - just relying a news editor's word.
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6 October 2000, 07:26 GMT

Re: Re: What do you think should be the future of the POTM?
Joel Thompson
(Web Page)
Yet that isn't always relevant. For exapmle, what about computer utilites? And also, I have discovered, VTI works on the AMS 2.05 download for the 89/92+ programs, so that you don't actually have to own an 89 to emulate an 89, just get the AMS 2.05 download from TI's online store. And when Rusty Wagner gets around to adding FLASH support for the 83+ and the 73, you could probably also emulate those on VTI. Anyway, I know this because I have done it. I have emulated an 89, versions 2.04 and 2.05, on my calculator (there is a French Website out there with all (I think) Rom versions of the 89, except 2.05, last time I checked, and then I downloaded AMS 2.05 from TI for both 89 and 92+ and I kept the AMS 2.04 download. Click on the link above, it take you to the homepage, just click on enter, then on ROMS 2.0X, and it will take you to the site with all the ROMS on it. It also has 92+ roms on it
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Me and my 1/50 dollar.
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8 October 2000, 00:33 GMT
I want the users to be able to vote not just the TI-Calc staff!! (Although I'm sure they know what to look for in a game besides graphics.)
I was gonna write a long paragraph on this topic but i dont feel like readin the bu!!$shit responses afterwards.
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6 October 2000, 08:31 GMT
User Nomination
I believe it should definitely be user nomination. This is for the simple reason that the more people vote, the more realistic the impression of a program will be. While this may be hard to implement, this is the fairest way.
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6 October 2000, 16:14 GMT
Re: What do you think should be the future of the POTM?
(Web Page)
You people don't have a lot of common sense. This is the proram of the month. Meaning singular, maybe a lot of this stuff with nominations would work for program of the year, but not the month. And no categories, this is program, not programS of the month. The way it should work is every program that was uploaded during the month that had a minimum number of downloads will be listed in a poll, seperate from this one, and everyone votes. Doesn't matter what calc or language. I bet thought that a TI-89 asm program will will most of the time though.
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6 October 2000, 18:56 GMT

Re: Re: Re: What do you think should be the future of the POTM?
(Web Page)
most of us can't afford the $1200 it would cost for all of them, or we are saving it for something else. Sometime I'd like to start collecting graphing calculators (i'm well on my way with the following: 83, 85, 86, and 89), but right now I'm saving to build a computer. Now if only I could find the following somewhere cheap: 73, 81, 82, 83+, 92, 92+...:)
eofpi and the unimatrix's 45.599850351139 cents
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8 October 2000, 19:40 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: What do you think should be the future of the POTM?
Joel Thompson
Actually, you have 1 listed twice. Just get the 92, then buy the + module. After that, whenever you want the 92, just take the module out, and when you want the 92+ just put it back in, althought that would probably reset your memory alot.
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Me and my 1/50 dollar.
PS, since it is somewhat relevant to this survey, I think the new one should be "What calculator do you use most often". And note: Not which calculator do you own, what calculator you use most often, because if it was the former, it would have to be a multiple choice poll, which it isn't.
Reply to this comment
10 October 2000, 05:52 GMT
Rather NO POTM than a bad POTM
(Web Page)
Sometimes there isn't any good program at all in a category; still, you have to select _something_. So even a relatively bad program can win POTM when there's nothing better released that month.
Wouldn't it be better that if there's too little votes in one category (50%+ vote nothing) there WON'T be a POTM that month?
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6 October 2000, 21:49 GMT
Re: What do you think should be the future of the POTM?
Philip Sugimoto
Why not have a list of choices and have each login have a max of one vote per category (whatever categories are chosen). This way it is the people who speak. If we want to be quirky and choose a wierd program then so be it. But keeping the voting secret until the end of the month will keep it from being a trend. Oh, and If you wait till three-five days before the end of the month to open the voting with a possible period of nominations before it, then the programs will already be out.
My $0.02
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6 October 2000, 23:44 GMT
Re: What do you think should be the future of the POTM?
Bennett Kalafut
What does it mean to get Program of the Month?
Best written? Not always.
Most useful? No, as the award very often went to games.
Most popular?
Reply to this comment
9 October 2000, 05:39 GMT
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