In middle school or earlier
Freshman in high school
Sophomore in high school
Junior in high school
Senior in high school
In college
College graduate
Calculator Progression
Rob Hornick
6th grade / Pre-Algebra: Bought a TI-82 for $60.00 at a going out of business sale, CrASH RuLES!
7th grade / Algebra I: Still got that 82, yearning for the TI-92...
8th grade / Geometry: Yes! TI-92! Got Plus module when I realized Fargo was dead.
9th grade / Algebra II+Trig: Sold TI-92+, bought TI-89. Still got my TI-82 even though it's in a state of disrepair (I never finished adding a memory chip to it, oh well... Until they come out with a killer app for it, I probably won't fix it.) Only thing that sucks is now everyone has a TI-83 Plus, which doesn't even have TETRIS so I have no one to play link games against. Pity me =(
Reply to this comment
30 September 1999, 01:02 GMT

Re: Re: Calculator Progression
Chris Fazio
hey, i'm only 11 in 6th grade and I have an 82, an 86 and am getting a 92+ next week, dammit!
and i am the ultimate basic programmer... and if u have ANY problems with that then I'll come over and wipe that smile off your face with this ultimate TI-2000+, the most powerful calculator in the world! it has a 9000x9000 resolution full color backlit screen, 1,000,000,000,000K of memory, has 3D graphing (with rotations), can execute up to 3,000,000,000,000,000 operations in 1 nanosecond, has a built in infared port device that is capable of transmitting waves 400 yards, computer keyboard, built in CD drive, disk drive, DVD player, casette player, flash upgradable technology, internet (includes email) AND suround sound high defintion dolby speakers for only 349.99 at oyur local office retail store!!!!!!
.....let me catch my breath here.....
thank you!
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1 October 1999, 22:50 GMT
Re: What is your education level?
matt c
(Web Page)
well the reson college is tied with juniors and seniors is because all 4 years are grouped into 1
i want to see how (if it does) drops towards senior year in college
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30 September 1999, 01:55 GMT
Juniors RULE
Us Junors R SmaT! We CICK BUT! GOO Junors! Wo-Hew! Yippe-Skippy! Ahh the hell with it, I don't wish to stereotype all of us juniors with being stupid. What is the point of this survey anyhow? They don't use banners on this site, so why do they need to know what audience they have?
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30 September 1999, 06:00 GMT
Re: What is your education level?
screw you all! FROSH RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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30 September 1999, 23:12 GMT
Re: What is your education level?
some things just shouldn't have a comment section. There is nothing productive you can say to this.
"Seniors Rule", hey now I'm cool.......
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1 October 1999, 02:30 GMT
Freshmen rule
(Web Page)
Even though we're not in first, freshmen rule!
Play Leisure Suit Larry and Grand Theft Auto for the 83 to be as cool as me!
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2 October 1999, 00:56 GMT
Re: What is your education level?
Hang in there sophomores! We can win this yet!
Reply to this comment
3 October 1999, 16:45 GMT
Re: What is your education level?
Brent Jackson
(Web Page)
Sophomore (in college)
Calcs owned
89 <--Only one that gets used ;>
Applachian State University Boone, NC USA
Reply to this comment
5 October 1999, 01:28 GMT
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