
It might, if I had enough screenshotted programs to determine accurately
I don't download programs from the archives.
Re: Does the viewing of a screenshot influence your downloading a program from our archives?
Of course the screenshot influences my decision to download or not. If I don't see a screenshot and there is no read me, I never download. It makes me nervous to download a program that I know nothing about and risk crashing my calculator.
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5 August 2000, 22:24 GMT
Re: Does the viewing of a screenshot influence your downloading a program from our archives?
(Web Page)
screenshots do get people's attention, but it'll take a long time to screenshot all applications on this site.
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5 August 2000, 23:54 GMT
Re: Does the viewing of a screenshot influence your downloading a program from our archives?
Harper Maddox
(Web Page)
except for the 89/92, screenshots can give me a really good idea of how good a game is. Alot of games can have a spiffy name and some good comments about them, but when it comes down to it, the look of the game matters alot.
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6 August 2000, 00:22 GMT
Re: Does the viewing of a screenshot influence your downloading a program from our archives?
I love because it features descriptions about all the programs in the archives. I also like the zip view feature where you can read the documentation before downloading. It bugs me when a web site has programs but only says names. Yeah... cool name but what is the program about. Keep up the good work!
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6 August 2000, 09:03 GMT
Re: Does the viewing of a screenshot influence your downloading a program from our archives?
I would download files especially because of the news items screenshots. Like 20 or so programs are new or updated at everyday, and I don't check out all screenshots, but I like it how news items show a screenshot of the program. is nice because they post lots of news and people can see lots of games they come out quickly without the little small programs. The point: news items should have screenshots, they influence my downloading a lot. Remember when SMA came out for the 89/92+, at and, it had a screenshot, and it sure did influence me a lot. And like SMQ. And it's first update. Cool screenshots, I couldn't believe it, almost.
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6 August 2000, 17:56 GMT
Re: Does the viewing of a screenshot influence your downloading a program from our archives?
(Web Page)
At last, a survey I can say something about. That's all I have to say right now...
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6 August 2000, 21:43 GMT
Re: Does the viewing of a screenshot influence your downloading a program from our archives?
Josh Storz
i'd say it does influence me sometimes... there should be a sometimes option. i mean i'd download something if it had a good name but no screenshot... then again i might download something if it had a sucky name and a good screenshot :)
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7 August 2000, 05:42 GMT
Why can't i put my own screen shot up???
(Web Page)
I think we the programmers should be able to send screen shots of our programs and have them put them on. I already have screen shots of my programs and would like other people to see them, then they might be more likly to download them.
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8 August 2000, 15:25 GMT
Re: Does the viewing of a screenshot influence your downloading a program from our archives?
(Web Page)
I think that screenshots really give you a better idea of what program you are getting. There must be a whole chunk of math programs that do the same thing and if you can see the interface, especially an animated one that greatly helps your downloading decision. Also if you see a game like zelda or mega man next to a game with stick figures you will know what game to get.
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9 August 2000, 02:10 GMT
Re: Does the viewing of a screenshot influence your downloading a program from our archives?
(Web Page)
Yeah, I would agree that we really need to fix the screen shots. Up until recently, the only games that I've ever considered, were the ones on the news posts, and the ones colored green, red, etc.
my 2¢
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11 August 2000, 03:19 GMT
Re: Does the viewing of a screenshot influence your downloading a program from our archives?
yes, screenshots do affect the downloading of a program. at least, for me.... i like to see what the program looks like because if the graphics are good or semi-cool, then i am more likely to enjoy the program more than if it were text-based, or, even worse, if it had terrible graphics. also, screenshots would make a much much cooler place than it already is, and i would tell everybody about it just to show them the mad skills these people have.
there. i said it. happy?
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12 August 2000, 05:42 GMT
Re: Does the viewing of a screenshot influence your downloading a program from our archives?
Chris Avery
I think they kinda help. Like this one time I tryed to find NIBBLES and PONG (all time favorites) and I downloaded like 12 versions because the discriptions said: "Pong. Best pong ever! fastest running!" that tells me nothing about the game. I found about 4-5 of each one that were NOT pong but bouncing a ball aroud the screen. Combo shots with GOOD discriptions and it would rule.
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3 October 2000, 02:55 GMT
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