Dialup (56K or under)
ISDN or residential DSL
Cable or commercial DSL
Resnet or university access

T1 or fractional T1

T3 and up

Re: What is the speed of the Internet connection you most commonly use?
Man, I wish I could afford DSL and all that other stuff, but right now, I'm going with a good old 56k. Problem is, there's so much noise on the line, it only dials up at a meek 26.6. Pretty dumb huh? I really hate it because it takes forever to load up survey pages and crap like that. Oh well, wait till I get to college with all their hookups. Yeh!!!
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13 June 2000, 05:55 GMT
Re: What is the speed of the Internet connection you most commonly use?
I am the only T3 and up. I have a fiber optic cable connection getting 1500 kbps. At my work they have a satellite link up that gets at least 1 gig per second. the connection divides down to 150 stations and each get around 10mbps at full capacity. Very nice.
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13 June 2000, 05:58 GMT
Re: What is the speed of the Internet connection you most commonly use?
All I hear today is how sweet everyone's cable modem is and I WANT ONE. I have been trying to get one for about 2 years now. All I hear from my cable service (which ever one that may be) is that it will be available by the end of 1999. You'd think they would at least update the lie? I live near O'hare Airport in Leyden Township and the whole MediaOne now being AT&T Cable service is confusing cause I haev no clue whom to go to for the cable internet service. I want a cable modem badly.
Also I plan to buy a 1 GHz AMD computer. Does the GeForce GTS 2 card really help at all with any 3D stuff? I hear that it doesnt help and is not worth it. I use a 56K modem, but can only connect at 28K due to bad phonelines :(
I just noticed that I hear a lot things, don't I?
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13 June 2000, 09:55 GMT
Re: What is the speed of the Internet connection you most commonly use?
har! got most of you beat. 133 pentium, 1.2 gigs hd, POS 28.8 modem that connects at 24000 through phone lines. not lookin like im gonna get anything any better until i buy my own pc when i head off to college in a year.
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13 June 2000, 13:49 GMT
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