No, I can hardly get out of bed for school.
Sometimes, er, in gym class.
Jawohl! Ich bin stark. (Yes)
Of course, I lift my calculator twice a day.
Re: Do you work out?
(Web Page)
I take so much medicine and so many pills that I can get 12 hours of sleep and can hardly get out of bed when I wake up. Must be the paxil. Hopefully this will go away when the prozac kicks in...
Or maybe it's the Claritin, the Flonase, or the Tetracyclene... Take your pick. Good money's on the allergy medicine.
Suffice it to say that I'm too tired throughout the day to do much of anything, including working out. That's sad. I'm sad. I'm happy. Now where's my Prozac...?
Reply to this comment
10 June 2000, 05:43 GMT
Re: Do you work out?
Jonathan Harm
(Web Page)
Sometimes I'm so tired in the morning that I don't even realize that its morning until about an hour later!!!
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10 June 2000, 05:54 GMT
Re: Do you work out?
Return to Nerd-dom with the favored option (I'm #16) of lifting the calc twice a day!
Thank you again, oh great head nerd!
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10 June 2000, 06:30 GMT
Re: Do you work out?
I work out all the time. I play football, basketball, and baseball. I also like to box, wrestle, and fight.
I am very athletic.
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10 June 2000, 06:32 GMT
Re: Do you work out?
(Web Page)
I lift my calculator more than twice a day. The poll might better read with a text box with 2 as the default.
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10 June 2000, 15:53 GMT
Re: Do you work out?
(Web Page)
what is this gym class you speak of?
i am in a magnet program and exempt from this class
the program is the International Baccalaureate ( program, in case anyone cares
calc lifter (C/L) #61
nerd/geek #110
Reply to this comment
10 June 2000, 23:13 GMT
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