Are you nuts? School is over, man!
Maybe. Just a little.
Every now and then.
More than I should.
I'm a nerd, leave me alone!
Re: Do you use your TI Graphing Calculator during the summer?
Does anyone else know if there is another site on the 'net that brings so many nerds together?
Reply to this comment
5 June 2000, 19:07 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Do you use your TI Graphing Calculator during the summer?
Nick Disabato
(Web Page)
1) This one?
Received: from ( [])
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Received: by localhost with Microsoft MAPI; Fri, 26 May 2000 18:23:28 -0400
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From: "Steve Rivas Jr." <>
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To: "''" <>
Subject: MegaHelp
Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 18:23:22 -0400
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Organization: MegaHelp
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Dear Mr Nick,
Hello, my name is Steve. You more than likely don't remember me, but that's
okay. I've e-mailed you before, and I'm proud to say I got two responses
within the hour. Must have been lucky. :-)
With all of your e-mail that comes in, I'm sure you won't get to this very
soon, but I wanted to let you know incase you wanted (notice, wanted, not
have to).
I am starting an all new calculator site called MegaHelp. I plan to venture
into other PC/Mac languages, but I am definately starting with the
TI-graphing calculator series. MegaHelp's Grand Opening is June 15th, 2000.
We are looking for new memebers, but we have very very high requirements.
Trust is a big thing. If anyone would like to atleast apply, they can
e-mail me @
We do plan to fill our 200MB of hosted space with ONLY THE BEST GAMES. Not
just any of them. only the best. (get that down).
Just to let you know, even though it would be very tough, our goal is to
become a site inside the major TI site ring (e.g., Dimension-TI,
Ti-Files,, MegaHelp). Not as competition, but we want to be big. Not
just some hosted off fortunecity site. We are hosted @ .
although we do keep our archives on a free site to defray the
costs...Anyway, since you da man, I figured you'd love to hear it...
Okay, now you can read your other two hundred an 9 e-mail...
2) Email
3) Huh? On a calculator? I do about 80 or so on my computer, ~105 burst.
Reply to this comment
6 June 2000, 18:17 GMT
Re: Do you use your TI Graphing Calculator during the summer?
I don't have a life outside programming, so I use it all the time. When I was in school, I had an excuse, but now I know that I'm truly Calcubate.
Reply to this comment
6 June 2000, 05:44 GMT
Re: Do you use your TI Graphing Calculator during the summer?
Larry Chong
(Web Page)
TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69 TI69
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6 June 2000, 18:31 GMT
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