Very. I need people like Nick and Steve to guide me.
I do not know: I just downloaded from the archives.
Never. I do not look at news items.

I have news turned off on my custom page.
Re: How much do news items influence your downloading of a file?
(Web Page)
(Third Post in Five minutes)
I was reading all the conflict over the language barrier when i had an idea: could use a translator like the one at to translate all its pages. It could put a little control panel on the toolbar to change it to french,dutch,swedish,spanish,german,etc. Then you could either remove the thing in your preferences and/or change the default language. I think this would be a big help to all our foriegn friends. The translations would not be perfect, of course, but they would be good enough to get the general gist of what is being said. (I know, i rant too much.)
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28 May 2000, 05:44 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: How much do news items influence your downloading of a file?
(Web Page)
Contary to what many people think, English is not at all easy to learn. It's absurdly easy, of course, if that happens to be your first language. But as a second language, it's practically impossible to learn. It's second in complexity only to Japanese. (Japanese has an insane number of symbols for words, not to mention the language itself.) English has all kinds of crazy rules about verb endings, changing y to i, idioms, tenses, and those impossible-to-master exceptions to the rule. The time it takes to even gain a rudimentary command of a second language is pretty great. Of the 800 people at my high school, about half of the people who take Spanish or French (two of the easiest) either fail out or drop out because 'it's too hard'. Asking people to learn a language many times as complex as that just to share their ideas with us is not going to go over well. They're just going to share their ideas somewhere else.
As for the problem with people posting in their native language, it would be easy to have a little radio box at the bottom of the post screen reading "I am posting in English, Spanish, French, German, Swedish, etc." That way whatever program they used would be able to recognize that and fix it for the English-Speaking folk.
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28 May 2000, 22:37 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How much do news items influence your downloading of a file?
Hmm, I still believe that english is the easiest language to learn. I grew up in switzerland where I learned Swiss-German (contrary to general beliefs it IS different than german), from 3rd grade on I had to learn German (which I continued until 9th grade), from 6 grade on I took french (I still take it, I'm in 11th grade now), I started taking English in 9th grade and from all the languages I speak I have to say English was the easiest one to learn, I'm most fluent in Swiss-German, then English, German and lastly French. French and German are by FAR harder to learn than English, they have more crazy rules than any other language I know of (well other than all the asian languages, I actually started learning Japanes a while ago, but I lost interest in it). So here you go, I don't know if this applies to everyone, or if it even makes sense. So :-P
And "sorry" for the long post
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28 May 2000, 23:20 GMT
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