Yes, absolutely!
Yes, of course
I received this message lately from an alien civilization. Anyone know what it means?
(Web Page)
3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419 7169399375105820974944592307816406286208 9986280348253421170679821480865132823066 4709384460955058223172535940812848111745 0284102701938521105559644622948954930381 9644288109756
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15 March 2007, 21:30 GMT

(Web Page)
Just to clarify what I was talking about, I received that message under mysterious circumstances. On the night of March 14, I heard a knock on my door. When I went and looked, there was nobody there, but a device was sitting on my doorstep. It was about the size and general shape of a dinner plate, but about 3 times as thick. It was made out of some plastic-y material, which was glowing faintly. Finally, there was a USB port in the side, and a pictogram of a calculator.
So, I started the linkport logger of COmmand Post Plus, plugged in my TI-89, and got the message I posted above. 256 decimal places was all I got-- after that, the device started blathering on about some sort of alien invasion. I will keep you informed-- I'm still logging data.
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15 March 2007, 23:38 GMT

A Description
(Web Page)
Here's what it looks like. It is made of some sort of white plastic-y material, which glows, something you can see if the room is dark enough. It is about 1 foot in diameter, roughly 3 times that in circumference :), and is cylindrical with smooth edges (so no corners). It has no seams where it could have snapped together, nor any screws or any other kind of fastener visibly holding it together. There is a USB port in the front, with a crude pictogram of a calculator next to it. It is about as heavy as a small laptop computer and there is an odd black symbol on top. The device does not resolve on camera, digital or otherwise. Instead, all you see is a black thing, the exact same size and shape. It is also slightly warm to the touch. Finally, the symbol on top has been glowing blue lately-- usually this coincides with when (according to Starry Night Backyard) the star Sirius is visible in the southern sky. I am still logging and analyzing data and will get back to you. The data's getting pretty weird, though...
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18 March 2007, 00:50 GMT
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