Re: Would you like to see more features dealing with the mathematics of calculators?
(Web Page)
Though it might seem stupid to have math articles on a (primarly) game oriented site, it makes perfect sense. Programmers visit this site too, and math plays a big roll in programming. A prime example is good AI, you need to know what's involved in finding the shortest distance between two points...etc. Math Articles (with algorithims and such) could really help out programmers!
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29 April 2000, 07:28 GMT
Re: Would you like to see more features dealing with the mathematics of calculators?
Kevin Ha
(Web Page)
Yeah, I think it'd be better if this site posts more mathematical articles. There are many new math tricks/tips you can do on your TI calc that you've never noticed, even after reading your manual. I believe that the domain name of this site is TICalc, not TIGames - which concludes that this site doesn't *legally* have to have all games. Also, I visit this site regularly and heck, I'd be surprised if any new article at all has been posted - articles are better than no articles, and I feel that if you don't have the desire to read a particular article, then don't...but who knows, maybe it'll help out some other person who's been looking for a similar article.
Not all math articles have to deal with cutting/pasting parts of the manual, as well. Some math articles might explain how the calculator arrives with a certain answer, how to get the best out of graphing parametric equations and when it's best to use param mode instead of func, and why you should not attempt to have the calc evaluate a certain problem because of insufficient or misleading data.
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29 April 2000, 09:06 GMT
Re: Would you like to see more features dealing with the mathematics of calculators?
of course we want more on math for the calculators, why else would we have one? thats the whole purpose for getting in, we need more math junk
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2 May 2000, 01:08 GMT
How about everything?
(Web Page)
I agree with most everyone when they say they want more games. Games are great for boring math/science classes... but math utils are good too. Personally I have never written a game for the calculator, but have written quite a few math programs.... I find writing BASIC math utilz much more fun than writing games. (yes I have written my fair share of PC games in Pascal/ C/ C++/ Java.... but I have no intention of programming a game in ASM, it is just a pain in the ass).
Something else that might be cool.... ticalc aught to start having some sort of math's contests....write some sort of useful math program.....with the grand prize being.....GRATITUDE!
Any thoughts anyone?
--- ------- ---------- ------------- ------------ -----
Please pardon any typos/misspellings I am a computer
science major, not a freeken english nut.
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2 May 2000, 02:08 GMT
Re: Would you like to see more features dealing with the mathematics of calculators?
justin heck
(Web Page)
you guys are a bunch geeks, jeezus christ
games are all that matter, and using programs for tests
that's all. period. Nothing else.
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3 May 2000, 04:35 GMT
Re: Would you like to see more features dealing with the mathematics of calculators?
(Web Page)
I think that more math articles would be great stuff for the classroom. It would show how to ues our calculators more effectively.
Speeking of math, does anyone know why TI makes you use the tempConv() command to convert temperatures on the TI-89?
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4 May 2000, 00:51 GMT
Re: Would you like to see more features dealing with the mathematics of calculators?
Jessica B.
ya i would!
im really into computers and math
thats what these things are for!!!
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4 May 2000, 22:17 GMT
Re: Would you like to see more features dealing with the mathematics of calculators?
I'm just wondering if TI included a mode function with the TI-89 calculators. (I know mode is easy to figure out, but I'm working with some big lists, and I would really like having it.)
Mean, Median, Mode - Know the first two are there, can't find the last one. Thanks for any help you can give.
Dark Ninja
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5 May 2000, 04:29 GMT
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