Re: Would you like to see more features dealing with the mathematics of calculators?
More new on Math? Please...What are we going to write about? Fun with logarithms?
Ronnie Braun has found the equation for determining the EXACT blast radius for any atomic weapon.
R=W^2*T^4*3.89E14, where R is radius, W is weight, and T is type, where atomic bomb is 5 and Hydrogen is 48.
He was reported saying:"I came up with it one day when I was bored out of my skull in math class, since TI CALC stopped doing games i had to something! This has been my life's dream. Someone has even said I'm up for the field medal this year. What an honor!"
Anonomys person:"Wow, i've always wondered what it was.
Now I can set off nuclear devices in my city and know precisely where to put it to destroy my neighbors house and that yappy dog and have my house spared. Thanks Ronnie!"
"3d equation discovered of how to make Nick D's head a 3d graph!(Very useful with ti gun)"(I'M JUST KIDDING, we would never do that, would we!!)
I'm sure if you were to do a comprehensive count of all math programs and all games games would have the higher count.(ESP ASM!!)
BTW:Don't make fun of my equation, it is purely hypothetical and unproven, totally random numbers, dont laugh at it, is just to show you what more math news would be like, and as with all metaphors, it IS imperfect.
More people seem to programing games than math utilities. Ticalc is known for games, where ti's site has plenty of math software for anything you want do for any calc, but virtually ZIPPO for games.
So, ti has the math progs where ti calc has the game news. TI has pretty much covered everything dealing with math in the instuction book, read it.They also have a board much like this one for math news/questions on their site. I just dont see features dealing with math unless its a super big deal(81 with 3d that might merit a feature."It only takes 20 minutes!")
Or am I just crazy? What do you think?
P.s. Please forgive any mispellings;or gramatical, errors?
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28 April 2000, 04:35 GMT
Re: Re: Would you like to see more features dealing with the mathematics of calculators?
Bennett Kalafut
You said that the manual pretty much covers everything about math. That's pretty funny! When I was 4 and used to go grocery shopping with my mother, she had a TI-2500 DataMath (an antique even then!). I thought that it did everything about math; it added, subtracted, multiplied, and divided!
The calculators are extensible. Math news and discussions wouldn't be as you outlined (more idiotically anti-intellectual than funny, by the way), it would discuss various tricks (like symbolic math (similar) on 82-86 using coefficient lists), major math software, potential applications, etc. There's a lot more to math than the TI calculators, DERVIVE, or even the HP 49 can do. This is why people spend from $400-2000 on software like MathCAD, Maple, Mathematica, or Matlab (shudder...)
I don't know about you, but I want to get the most out of my hard-earned $130 spent on an 89!
-Ben Kalafut
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30 April 2000, 04:33 GMT
Re: Would you like to see more features dealing with the mathematics of calculators?
I got my calculator because it has better functions for math class. Right now I still use it for math and I'm trying to learn how to program in ASM. I usually only deal with math and science programs because I don't know how to program games in BASIC or anything besides just text in ASM.
BASIC is really easy to figure out how to do stuff in, so I'd like to see a bit more of how to program in ASM so I can easly swap the programs over to ASM.
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28 April 2000, 21:13 GMT
Re: Would you like to see more features dealing with the mathematics of calculators?
Chris Moultrie
(Web Page)
I personally would like to see more articles on functions with the calculators. (I know I should read the manuals but...i guess i'm lazy). I just recently realized using my 89 *on my physics test* that when you have numbers with units, it'll convert it to Hz or whatever it should be instead of putting the unit/unit. Cool stuff like that would be appreciated.
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28 April 2000, 22:00 GMT
Re: Would you like to see more features dealing with the mathematics of calculators?
Laura Thompson
Math articles? Oh please, I don't really give a shit about the math articles, I download programs, and check the comment board every now and then, so THERE! I DON'T CHECK YOUR ARTICLES!!! I HAVE THE FILES ON THE TOP AND THE ARTICLES ON THE BOTTOM WHERE I NEVER LOOK AT THEM! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!
Laura's first and only comment
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28 April 2000, 23:30 GMT
Re: Would you like to see more features dealing with the mathematics of calculators?
Josh Storz
I know I always like to know how stuff works, and how calculators work and how to use them would definitely make several good features. Heh, who wouldn't want to know?
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29 April 2000, 00:45 GMT
Re: Would you like to see more features dealing with the mathematics of calculators?
(Web Page)
Two comments...
1. This survey asked about articles -- which I do not want to see because I go to school to learn math, I come here to get a tiny bit of joy..
2. The subject says more features dealing with mathematics in calculators... Hell yeah. The more the better....
My thoughts.
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29 April 2000, 03:08 GMT
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