No, I like my calculator as it is.
No, I cannot afford another calculator.
Maybe, It depends on how much improvement there is.
Yes, I do not like my current calculator.

Yes, I buy every calculator TI makes.
I do not have a TI calculator right now.
Re: Would you buy another TI calculator?
(Web Page)
I think that it might have been interesting if the survey had another choice like "No, I would buy an HP calculator" or something like that. I just say this because the question specifically mentioned getting a new TI calculator.
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21 April 2000, 00:25 GMT
Re: Would you buy another TI calculator?
It all depends on what you need it for..
I have a TI-89 because I already know how to do by hand the functions I use most commonly.
...except this (*_____*) freshman one of my friends knows who also has a *TI-89* and is in *MATH 1*. His mother is a teacher and got a *CLASS SET* with *ONE EXTRA*...
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21 April 2000, 01:13 GMT
Re: Would you buy another TI calculator?
I'm happy with my calculators. A 92+ would be nice to have, but as far as I'm concerned its not really needed. My 89 whoops big fat ass! And that's all I have to say on the matter.
Alexander the Lionhearted
BTW 1.32 *10^3 comment!
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21 April 2000, 03:10 GMT
I already have 3!!
Tim Dorr
(Web Page)
Hey, I have three calcs already (89, 86, and an 83). I would buy another only if it added something major (like 2mb memory or a color screen). I basically use my 89 for math and my others to program on. I think that TI has come as far as they can come for functionality. Now, all that's left is for them to do is to make them faster, and with larger capacity.
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24 April 2000, 21:20 GMT
Current results
Paulo Marques
(Web Page)
Just wondering... Anybody noticed that there are 59 troubling cases answering this survey? (5th answer, "I buy every calc TI makes!"). No offense... But if you want to spend money like that wouldn't you rather give it to someone, like me?
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26 April 2000, 03:29 GMT
Discontinued TI Calculators....
Paul Schippnick
(Web Page)
Well TI is discontinuing the TI-82, it is a subset of the TI-92 which is also been discontiued. The TI-83 is next, I understand. The TI-85, TI-86, TI-83+, TI-92+ and of course the top of the line with the TI-92+ the TI-89, will continue for some time yet to come, I understand. The TI-68 has been discontinued too, being replaced by graphing calculators. I ordered my TI-68, almost didn't let me. Almost out of stock, for orders. Only those keep back for next 5 years service and repalcement left. for the most part. They will not sell those (yet. after 5 years maybe to third party calculator service or sales???.) The TI-82 I bought on clearance, I lucked out, it is the old style case, looks more like an TI-85. The new style case looks more like the TI-83.
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26 April 2000, 11:04 GMT
Re: Would you buy another TI calculator?
Edward Shore
I guess TI could lure me to buy another calc if it has:
* At least 3 or 4 MB bytes of memory (RAM + Flash)
* Color Screen
* All functions of TI-89 + BA II Plus + BA Real Estate
* There would be graphic functions for finance
* Of course, the "hard" integrals for sqrt(sin x) would be solved (see Mathematica
* ability to use a mouse
* ability to save programs to a floppy disk
I have a TI-89 and it rocks! I am really happy with the Flash Technology. Right now, I may (probably not) buy a 83+ for the heck of it.
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10 August 2000, 17:54 GMT
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